Rule - just triggering once per second


I use the Modbus-Binding, where the Items are polled every 3 seconds. In case of a user input the Items should be polled more freqently. I also use group-switches where a lot of items change their state, where I also would like that the refresh data procedure should also be called also once, but I have some troubles to realize this.
Here is my code:

import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Procedures
import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.types.RefreshType

var Timer lockRefreshC1 = null
var long lastExecution

val Procedures$Procedure0 refreshDataC1 = [ |
// All data things in the poller coils are refreshed
return null

rule “Refresh modbus coils data quickly after changing settings”
Item lightAccountingRoom1 received command or
…some more Items
Item lightGarageCellar1 received command
if (receivedCommand != RefreshType.REFRESH) {
// Update more frequently for a short while, to get
// refereshed data after the newly received command
if(lockRefreshC1==null) {
lockRefreshC1 = createTimer(now.plusSeconds(1)) [|
lockRefreshC1 = null // reset the timer
createTimer(, refreshDataC1)
createTimer(, refreshDataC1)
createTimer(, refreshDataC1)
createTimer(, refreshDataC1)
else {
// Update more frequently for a short while, to get
// refereshed data after the newly received command
if(lastExecution==null) {
lastExecution = now.millis
if(now.millis>=(lastExecution+500)) {
logWarn(“myLog”, “refreshData”)
lastExecution = now.millis
createTimer(, refreshDataC1)
createTimer(, refreshDataC1)
createTimer(, refreshDataC1)
createTimer(, refreshDataC1)
else {
lastExecution = now.millis