Thanks sihui
I had heard about the space after and before square brackets in the newest update, but I think my problems stem from before that. nevertheless it might be worth a try.
Also the majority of problems seem to be with rules that have a simple cron statement
I also have ONE rule with a Thread statement. One such statement shouldn’t be a problem, but I may just stop that one for a while and se what happens.
Did you re-install on the same card or a brand new one. Because formating a card and burning a new partition will only “hide” the faulty sectors and new ones will appear again and your system will fail again. Further mode if you backed up, re-formatted and burned the back-up all you would have achieved is backing up the faults.
Thanks, got a brand new one and did a complete reinstall from scratch (that’s why it took a while), but I did ofcourse copy my item/sitemap/rules files with a simple file copy