Put all the Items into a Group. Let’s call it Devices. Add all the relevant Items to that one Group.
Get clever with the naming of your Items. See Design Pattern: Encoding and Accessing Values in Rules. I’ll show putting the values into the Item name. So the Funksteckdose2Swith would be Funksteckdose2Switch_12345_12340.
Trigger the Rule using the Member of trigger
Pull the number to send out of the triggeringItem’s name.
val execscript = "/opt/433Utils/RPi_utils/Funksteckdose_1.sh "
rule "Devices"
Member of Devices received command
val parts = triggeringItem.name.split('_')
val arg = if(receivedCommand == ON) parts.get(1) else parts.get(2)
executeCommandLine(execscript + arg)
Those three lines and some clever naming of your Items will handle all your devices.