Rule to say something when item change

Hello ,i need a rule so my google home mini announce the state o my Nest thermostat when it changes state (heating or off).I have the chromecast binding installed my google home mini working and voiceRSS right and tested.I just need the right rule syntax.

So you just want someone to write it for you?

Post your code… And we’ll help you make it work, or point you in the right direction.

Don’t expect people to write code for you.
Follow the tutorials for rules first:



Have you read this page?

There are sample rules at the bottom.

sorry guys i was babysitting yesterday writing this post so i sounded like a jerk…i dont want someone to write the code for me ,i am an old dude here to learn.So here is my code that is working allright.

rule "say_thermostat"
    Item HallwayThermostat_State changed
    val Integer currentHour = now.getHourOfDay
    if ((7..21).contains(currentHour)){
        if (HallwayThermostat_State.state==('HEATING')) {
     say("nest thermostat heating")
            else {
             say("nest thermostat off")

the only problem i have is with the volume.I use the

say("Hello world!", new PercentType(25))

and what i see is that my google home from volume 55 gets to 25 then back to 55 and then says “Hello world”.
What i want is to get from 55 to 25,say “Hello world” and then return to volume 55.

Try something like:

val Procedures$Procedure1<String> myCustomSayProcedure = [
  myText |

  val currentVolume = <google_home_volume_item>.state
  if (currentVolume != 25) <google_home_volume_item>.sendCommand(25)
  if (<google_home_volume_item>.state != currentVolume) <google_home_volume_item>.sendCommand(currentVolume)

rule "say_thermostat"
  Item HallwayThermostat_State changed
  val Integer currentHour = now.getHourOfDay

  if ((7..21).contains(currentHour)){
    if (HallwayThermostat_State.state==('HEATING')) {
      myCustomSayProcedure("nest thermostat heating")
    } else {
      myCustomSayProcedure("nest thermostat off")

First, if you are here to learn, good, but stay out of Function and Procedures lambas. They are complicated.
Although it’s a good example and the code is sound it won’t work.

The reason is that the say command take a few milliseconds in openHAB and then the volume will be reversed. You need to know how long “nest thermostat heating” takes to say. Including the time for the google home to take the command etc…

You will need the google volume item:

Number GoogleVolume { channel="xxxxx" }

Then use a timer:
Replace the 10 with the time is takes for your speaker to say the sentence

var volume = null

rule "say_thermostat"
    Item HallwayThermostat_State changed
    val Integer currentHour = now.getHourOfDay
    if ((7..21).contains(currentHour)) {
        volume = storeStates(GoogleVolume)
        if (HallwayThermostat_State.state==('HEATING')) {
        say("nest thermostat heating")
            createTimer(now.plusSeconds(10), [ |
        } else {
            say("nest thermostat off")
            createTimer(now.plusSeconds(10), [ |