Rule when AND + OR

Hello - have a super noobie question - is this allowed in rules? I’m pretty sure it isn’t - which means that I’ll have to check the evening switch in the ‘then’ clause?

(Item XBMC_Status changed to Pause or
Item XBMC_Status changed to Stop) and
Item Evening = ON

… otherwise It’d have to be
Item XBMC_Status changed to Pause or
Item XBMC_Status changed to Stop
if (evening.State == ON) {

Rules are event driven, not state driven. Since two events will esentially never happen at the same time it makes no sense to use AND in a rule trigger. It is therefore not supported.

You can triggere off of one event and. Put an if in your rule to check the state.

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Thank you. That makes sense.

Thanks @rlkoshak! I always wondered something so simple wasn’t possible… makes perfect sense now.