I have a similar issue I did not have for months.
But in my case all rules work fine BUT the cron rules.
I detect this by:
// Check whether the cron rules are working properly
rule "Does cron work?"
Item Astro_Sun_Azimuth changed
if(!System_started.changedSince(now.minusMinutes(45),"jdbc")) {
if(ActTime.state != NULL && ActTime.previousState(true,"jdbc").state != NULL && !ActTime.changedSince(now.minusMinutes(60),"jdbc")) {
logInfo("system.rules", "ActTime (" + ActTime.state + ") did not change since 60 min - is there a cron Problem?")
sendTelegram("OH_TeleBot", "ActTime seit 60 min nicht aktualisiert: " + ActTime.state.toString + "\nCron Probleme?")
I don’t use Thread::sleep
at all (after reading “long running rules” from @rlkoshak months ago
Anyway. I don’t have a clue what’s causing this.