Samsung TV Binding (Beta)

I wonder if it’s something to do with the mesh? I know Sonos doesn’t play well with mesh networks.

When you say “router” what kind of router do you mean? (Make, model) - do you mean Access Point? Or are you really running 5 subnets?

You say OH host is wired, and the TV is wired to a mesh node, so is it wireless between the nodes?

Just trying to figure out the topology.

4 “slave” routers are acting as access points and all their settings are controlled by “master” router, but still they all have the same operating system and software packets, so it’s possible that some of them are still active. Connection between all routers is wired. Help me dig JUPnP logs. As I see, OH Java is sending it’s multicast request, all UPnP devices reply to that request, Java parses answers and then fails to send requests for .xmls or to retrieve TV’s answer.


Ok. I have the new version now. Everything looks good till now.

I will have a further look and will report back if anything is not working.

This seems like such a noob question, but it’s just not obvious to me.

What’s the proper way to power off a Frame TV? If I send OFF to the power channel, it puts the TV in Art Mode. Then if I send OFF to the power channel again, it tums off the TV. Is there a way to do it with a single command?

On the remote, it’s a long press on the power button. Is there a key code for that?

BTW, I finally was able to add my new Frame TV to SmartThings. I tried adding it thru the SmartThings app on 2 Google Pixel phones, both of which got stuck on the “Registering to Account” step. But it worked when I tried it on a Samsung tablet. Go figure.

I now have some rules that cycle through my artwork. Yay! Thanks for your advice on the different options for loading the images @Nicholas_Waterton

The way to turn the TV completely off is to send OFF to the ArtMode channel.

You send OFF to the power channel (which turns ArtMode ON), then send OFF to the ArtMode channel, which does the long press of the power button.

You can also send a long press of the power button by sending -4000,KEY_POWER To the keyCode channel. That would send a 4s press, which would turn the TV off.

1 Like

Sorry if I come up with a simple question to connect my Samsung UE75MU6179 … but somehow I don’t manage to enable the debug mode for this binding… What I did so far:
-Binding successfully installed
-Smartthings PAT installed
→ I can switch TV on/off, mute/unmute, change volume, stop browser
->There’s a large number in the identifiers looking similar to the one from the documentation of this binding (samsungtv:tv:2430eefa-240d-4f4b-a8fb-ada887551061). But I assume that this is NOT the Smartthings DID… or is it?

Anyway, I’ve tried to implement debugging in console by
log:set DEBUG tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler
Hence, logging still stays in INFO mode…

Any hint how to enable DEBUG logging correctly?

Thank you all in advance for a tip,

Hi everyone, I installed this binding, but for some reason it’s not appearing on my bindings list to search for TVs. Any hints?

@DocMC ,

The binding name is org.openhab.binding.samsungtv and for full output you should enable TRACE mode.

1 Like


If your TV is on, it should appear automatically in the inbox. You can manually search from the inbox, but if you have to do this, there is something wrong with UPNP on your network.

Read the troubleshooting section of the documentation.

Thank you, @Nicholas_Waterton . Now I received some ID which is called upnpUDN and looks similar to the example in the documentation.

Hence, channelName, sourceId, sourceName are still not accessible. The log shows following output:

2022-02-22 20:12:42.798 [DEBUG] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - remoteDeviceAdded: ScreenSharing,, upnpUDN=9ee10438-7588-4660-977e-8c069e411fad
2022-02-22 20:12:42.800 [TRACE] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Skipping unknown service: UE75MU6179, ScreenSharing (9ee10438-7588-4660-977e-8c069e411fad)

Is the 9ee… number maybe not the required device ID… or are the functions for this particular Samsung TV not yet completely implemented in the binding?

Thank you all for any hint in advance,

This is NOT the smarthings device id. It’s an internal UPNP id, you don’t need to pay attention to.

On later model TV’s the only way to use the channelName, sourceId, sourceName channels is to add your TV to the smartthings app, create a smartthings PAT, and add the PAT to the binding configuration.

The binding should then automatically find the correct smartthings device id and fill it in for you.


  1. Have you added your TV to the smartthings app?
  2. Have you created a PAT?
  3. have you entered this PAT in the binding configuration (and saved it)?

If you have done this, then the smartthings device id should be filled in for you automatically. Did the Smartthings Device Id get filled in?

You should see something in the logs like this every second:

2022-02-22 18:04:37.178 [TRACE] [ternal.service.SmartThingsApiService] - Sending

The 996ba92f-d32b-8a1d-1939-3848a7cd2851 is the smartthings device id (it’s not the same as the upnp UDN’s, it’s just a UUID, which is the same format).

If you filled in the smartthings device id yourself (ie with the UPNP ID), please delete it, and save the configuration with the device id empty. When you do that, the binding should retrieve this for you.

If you could post your whole log from where the tv is turned on (or you save the blank entry), I should be able to see what is happening. please use code fences, it makes it easier to read.

1 Like

No like, the binding does not appear when you click the “+” on the inbox to add more devices… how do I troubleshoot that one??

Thank you for the hints.

  1. Have you added your TV to the smartthings app?
  2. Have you created a PAT?
  3. have you entered this PAT in the binding configuration (and saved it)?
  1. Yes, TV added to Smartthings app. TV-control by app was tested positive.
  2. Yes, PAT created with all options enabled via Samsung account
  3. Yes, PAT entered in binding configuration. I’ve also cleaned the device ID and saved it.

After starting the TV,
-Device ID is not filled up in thing configuration
-I receive following log information (repeating entries were cleaned up by me)
-Searching the log for some output comparable to yours, I could neither find something similar.
(-Additional information: I’ve been using “secure web socket”.)

One funny thing: I’ve checked the my switched-on TV on There, status was shown as “offline”, but hence there was some notification “some minutes ago”… which does not mach.

2022-02-23 19:03:23.966 [TRACE] [.samsungtv.internal.WakeOnLanUtility] - Sent WOL packet from / to / 64:1c:b0:a1:73:b4
2022-02-23 19:03:24.721 [DEBUG] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - remoteDeviceAdded: dialreceiver,, upnpUDN=91460a6b-38b6-4be1-9d43-4ce42088292b
2022-02-23 19:03:24.722 [DEBUG] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Check and create missing services
2022-02-23 19:03:24.723 [TRACE] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Skipping unknown service: UE75MU6179, dialreceiver (91460a6b-38b6-4be1-9d43-4ce42088292b)
2022-02-23 19:03:24.785 [DEBUG] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - remoteDeviceAdded: RemoteControlReceiver,, upnpUDN=8860db9b-a273-478f-8b21-88d35219a44f
2022-02-23 19:03:24.786 [DEBUG] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Check and create missing services
2022-02-23 19:03:24.787 [TRACE] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Skipping unknown service: UE75MU6179, dialreceiver (91460a6b-38b6-4be1-9d43-4ce42088292b)
2022-02-23 19:03:24.788 [WARN ] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Cannot create remote controller service: config is websocket - ignoring UPNP service
2022-02-23 19:03:24.789 [TRACE] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Skipping unknown service: UE75MU6179, RemoteControlReceiver (8860db9b-a273-478f-8b21-88d35219a44f)
2022-02-23 19:03:24.797 [DEBUG] [covery.SamsungTvDiscoveryParticipant] - Retrieved Thing UID for a Samsung TV '[TV] Samsung 6 Series (75)' model 'UE75MU6179' thing with UDN '2430eefa-240d-4f4b-a8fb-ada887551061'
2022-02-23 19:03:24.797 [DEBUG] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - remoteDeviceAdded: MediaRenderer,, upnpUDN=2430eefa-240d-4f4b-a8fb-ada887551061
2022-02-23 19:03:24.798 [DEBUG] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Check and create missing services
2022-02-23 19:03:24.799 [DEBUG] [covery.SamsungTvDiscoveryParticipant] - Created a DiscoveryResult for device 'UE75MU6179' with UDN '2430eefa-240d-4f4b-a8fb-ada887551061' and properties: {hostName=}
2022-02-23 19:03:24.799 [TRACE] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Skipping unknown service: UE75MU6179, dialreceiver (91460a6b-38b6-4be1-9d43-4ce42088292b)
2022-02-23 19:03:24.800 [WARN ] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Cannot create remote controller service: config is websocket - ignoring UPNP service
2022-02-23 19:03:24.801 [TRACE] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Skipping unknown service: UE75MU6179, RemoteControlReceiver (8860db9b-a273-478f-8b21-88d35219a44f)
2022-02-23 19:03:24.801 [DEBUG] [nternal.service.MediaRendererService] - Creating a Samsung TV MediaRenderer service: subscription=false
2022-02-23 19:03:24.802 [DEBUG] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Started service for: UE75MU6179, MediaRenderer (2430eefa-240d-4f4b-a8fb-ada887551061)
2022-02-23 19:03:24.803 [DEBUG] [rnal.service.RemoteControllerService] - Creating a Samsung TV RemoteController service: is UPNP:false
2022-02-23 19:03:24.830 [DEBUG] [ngtv.internal.protocol.WebSocketBase] - WebSocketRemote connecting to: wss://
2022-02-23 19:03:24.831 [DEBUG] [ngtv.internal.protocol.WebSocketBase] - WebSocketArt connecting to: wss://
2022-02-23 19:03:24.836 [DEBUG] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Started service for: UE75MU6179, RemoteControlReceiver ()
2022-02-23 19:03:24.837 [DEBUG] [ternal.service.SmartThingsApiService] - Creating a Samsung TV Smartthings Api service
2022-02-23 19:03:24.838 [DEBUG] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Started service for: UE75MU6179, SmartthingsApi ()
2022-02-23 19:03:24.848 [DEBUG] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - TV is ONLINE
2022-02-23 19:03:24.850 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'samsungtv:tv:2430eefa-240d-4f4b-a8fb-ada887551061' changed from OFFLINE to ONLINE
2022-02-23 19:03:24.858 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'TVSamsung6Series75Power' changed from OFF to ON
2022-02-23 19:03:25.065 [INFO ] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - RemoteControllerService found after 2 attempts
2022-02-23 19:03:25.066 [INFO ] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - resend command ON to channel power in 2 seconds...
2022-02-23 19:03:25.066 [INFO ] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - cancelling WOL Job
2022-02-23 19:03:25.734 [DEBUG] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - remoteDeviceAdded: ScreenSharing,, upnpUDN=9ee10438-7588-4660-977e-8c069e411fad
2022-02-23 19:03:25.735 [DEBUG] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Check and create missing services
2022-02-23 19:03:25.737 [TRACE] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Skipping unknown service: UE75MU6179, ScreenSharing (9ee10438-7588-4660-977e-8c069e411fad)
2022-02-23 19:03:25.738 [DEBUG] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Service rediscovered, clearing caches: UE75MU6179, MediaRenderer (2430eefa-240d-4f4b-a8fb-ada887551061)
2022-02-23 19:03:25.739 [TRACE] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Skipping unknown service: UE75MU6179, dialreceiver (91460a6b-38b6-4be1-9d43-4ce42088292b)
2022-02-23 19:03:25.739 [DEBUG] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Service rediscovered, clearing caches: UE75MU6179, RemoteControlReceiver ()
2022-02-23 19:03:25.740 [DEBUG] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Service rediscovered, clearing caches: UE75MU6179, SmartthingsApi ()
2022-02-23 19:03:25.992 [TRACE] [ngtv.internal.protocol.WebSocketBase] - WebSocketRemote: onWebSocketText: {"data":{"data":[{"appId":"111299001912","app_type":2,"icon":"/opt/share/webappservice/apps_icon/FirstScreen/111299001912/250x250.png","is_lock":0,"name":"YouTube"},{"appId":"3201512006963","app_type":2,"icon":"/opt/share/webappservice/apps_icon/FirstScreen/3201512006963/250x250.png","is_lock":0,"name":"Plex"},{"appId":"3201412000679","app_type":2,"icon":"/opt/share/webappservice/apps_icon/FirstScreen/3201412000679/250x250.png","is_lock":0,"name":"ARD Mediathek"},{"appId":"3201705012365","app_type":2,"ico
2022-02-23 19:03:26.059 [DEBUG] [l.protocol.RemoteControllerWebSocket] - Installed Apps: 3201612011418 = McAfee Security for TV, 11091000000 = Facebook Watch, 3201909019271 = PrivacyChoices, 3201812017454 = schauinsland-reisen, 3201608010269 = Brandworld, 3201411000562 = Sky Ticket, 11111358501 = Audi, 3201908018988 = RTL+, 3201608010191 = Deezer, 3201903018105 = Samsung SportWorld, 3201803015887 = maxdome, 3201909019084 = CUPRA, 3201601007250 = Google Play Filme, 111199000385 = Digital Concert Hall, 3201502001386 = Joyn, 3201608010221 = ProSieben, 3201412000679 = ARD Mediathek, 3201705012365 = ZDF mediathek, 11101200001 = Netflix, 3201512006785 = Prime Video, 3201511006428 = Rakuten TV, 3201602007756 = Red Bull TV, 111477001080 = Smart IPTV, 111299001432 = Zattoo - TV Streaming App, 3201512006963 = Plex, 111399002250 = DS video, 3201901017640 = Disney+, 3201907018746 = MagentaTV, 111299001912 = YouTube, 3201607009920 = DAZN, 20172100006 = e-Manual, 3201609010528 = Couchplay SpieleCenter, 3201610010814 = Music, 3201703012079 = Eurosport Player, 3201606009684 = Spotify – Musik und Podcasts, 3202112025937 = Getreel Fireplace, org.tizen.browser = Internet, 3201511006303 = DW for Smart TV, 3202011022316 = ARTE, 3201604009179 = SeeColors, 3202103023338 = Aquarium TV
2022-02-23 19:03:27.214 [TRACE] [ngtv.internal.protocol.WebSocketBase] - WebSocketV2: onWebSocketText: {"id":"3201903018105","result":{"id":"3201903018105","name":"Samsung SportWorld","running":false,"version":"2.6.1","visible":false}} 
2022-02-23 19:03:28.748 [TRACE] [ngtv.internal.protocol.WebSocketBase] - WebSocketV2: onWebSocketText: {"id":"3201903018105","result":{"id":"3201903018105","name":"Samsung SportWorld","running":false,"version":"2.6.1","visible":false}} 
2022-02-23 19:03:34.971 [DEBUG] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Received value 'volume':'5' for thing 'samsungtv:tv:2430eefa-240d-4f4b-a8fb-ada887551061'
2022-02-23 19:03:34.984 [DEBUG] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Received value 'mute':'OFF' for thing 'samsungtv:tv:2430eefa-240d-4f4b-a8fb-ada887551061'
2022-02-23 19:03:34.987 [TRACE] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Polling Job exception: 
	at org.openhab.binding.samsungtv.internal.service.SmartThingsApiService.fetchdata( ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.samsungtv.internal.service.SmartThingsApiService.handleCommand( ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.samsungtv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler.lambda$12( ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.samsungtv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler.lambda$10( ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.samsungtv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler.poll( ~[?:?]
2022-02-23 19:03:36.021 [TRACE] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Polling Job exception: 
	at org.openhab.binding.samsungtv.internal.service.SmartThingsApiService.fetchdata( ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.samsungtv.internal.service.SmartThingsApiService.handleCommand( ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.samsungtv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler.lambda$12( ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.samsungtv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler.lambda$10( ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.samsungtv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler.poll( ~[?:?]
022-02-23 19:03:37.949 [DEBUG] [l.protocol.RemoteControllerWebSocket] - Installed Apps: 3201612011418 = McAfee Security for TV, 11091000000 = Facebook Watch, 3201909019271 = PrivacyChoices, 3201812017454 = schauinsland-reisen, 3201608010269 = Brandworld, 3201411000562 = Sky Ticket, 11111358501 = Audi, 3201908018988 = RTL+, 3201608010191 = Deezer, 3201903018105 = Samsung SportWorld, 3201803015887 = maxdome, 3201909019084 = CUPRA, 3201601007250 = Google Play Filme, 111199000385 = Digital Concert Hall, 3201502001386 = Joyn, 3201608010221 = ProSieben, 3201412000679 = ARD Mediathek, 3201705012365 = ZDF mediathek, 11101200001 = Netflix, 3201512006785 = Prime Video, 3201511006428 = Rakuten TV, 3201602007756 = Red Bull TV, 111477001080 = Smart IPTV, 111299001432 = Zattoo - TV Streaming App, 3201512006963 = Plex, 111399002250 = DS video, 3201901017640 = Disney+, 3201907018746 = MagentaTV, 111299001912 = YouTube, 3201607009920 = DAZN, 20172100006 = e-Manual, 3201609010528 = Couchplay SpieleCenter, 3201610010814 = Music, 3201703012079 = Eurosport Player, 3201606009684 = Spotify – Musik und Podcasts, 3202112025937 = Getreel Fireplace, org.tizen.browser = Internet, 3201511006303 = DW for Smart TV, 3202011022316 = ARTE, 3201604009179 = SeeColors, 3202103023338 = Aquarium TV
2022-02-23 19:03:38.091 [TRACE] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Polling Job exception: 
	at org.openhab.binding.samsungtv.internal.service.SmartThingsApiService.fetchdata( ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.samsungtv.internal.service.SmartThingsApiService.handleCommand( ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.samsungtv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler.lambda$12( ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.samsungtv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler.lambda$10( ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.samsungtv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler.poll( ~[?:?]
2022-02-23 19:03:38.103 [TRACE] [ngtv.internal.protocol.WebSocketBase] - WebSocketV2: onWebSocketText: {"id":"3201903018105","result":{"id":"3201903018105","name":"Samsung SportWorld","running":false,"version":"2.6.1","visible":false}} 
2022-02-23 19:03:39.123 [TRACE] [tv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler] - Polling Job exception: 
	at org.openhab.binding.samsungtv.internal.service.SmartThingsApiService.fetchdata( ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.samsungtv.internal.service.SmartThingsApiService.handleCommand( ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.samsungtv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler.lambda$12( ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.samsungtv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler.lambda$10( ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.samsungtv.internal.handler.SamsungTvHandler.poll( ~[?:?]


You shouldn’t have to click the “+” on the inbox. If the TV is on, it should be automatically detected and appear in the inbox.

If it doesn’t there is something fundamentally wrong - ie UPNP is not working (your network is filtering multicast packets out) or you haven’t installed the package or something similar.

What version of openHAB are you running? what platform? can you post the list:bundles output of the karaf console?

This is the problem. This should be polling the Smartthings api for your device settings, but instead it’s throwing an exception.

Where the log shows:

Started service for: UE75MU6179, SmartthingsApi ()

Is where the device id should be retrieved (and listed in the log). It’s not doing that, so I’ll dig into the code and see where it’s going wrong. Should have something tomorrow.

Thanks for the feedback, it’s probably a bug (I have a testing sample of one, so it’s hard to predict what can go wrong).


Just had a look at the code, it might be a null issue. Can you try putting a space in for the DeviceID and saving it (I check to see if it’s blank, which might not include empty). See if you get a different result.

@DocMC ,

Ok, found it. It was a null check error on the deviceID. New .jar is uploaded (V1.10).

This should find the SmartThings Device ID automatically now.

1 Like

Great, thank you so much!
-Will the new version of the binding be automatically updated? Or do I have to do this manually (how?)?
-In case I can help you for further developments by providing log data et al., kindly let me know. I‘d be glad to support at least as beta tester :slight_smile:
Best regards,

Hi Nicholas,

Thank you for the update, I just tested it out, now it seems that I have received the Smartthings device ID :slight_smile: . My procedure:

  1. First I uninstalled the previous binding and deleted the Samsung TV item.
  2. Then I reinstalled the binding by selecting it in the OH GUI marketplace
  3. Afterwards, I created the Samsung TV item which was detected by the binding after switch on.
    4.Testing it, I can confirm basic functionality.
  4. Finally, I entered the Smartthings PAT, leaving the Smartthings UID empty
  5. Restarting the TV by OH, I had to accept on the TV the control by an external device, which I did.
  6. Now the log file showed me an INFO with the corresponding number (sorry, I forgot to copy the log INFO immediately for posting it here :frowning: )
  7. After copying the number into thing definition, it seems the TV is sending me now much more info on startup (Apps, …) :slight_smile:

Just the problem: When I define Channel as Slider in the sitemap in order to use this as control, it seems that it gets coupled with volume when I’m using the openHAB app on smartphone. When I change the one item, also the other one is changed (channel → volume and also volume → channel).

Here is my code for Item definition:


Dimmer   TVSamsung6Series75Volume                "Lautstärke"                  {channel="samsungtv:tv:2430eefa-240d-4f4b-a8fb-ada887551061:volume"}
Number   TVSamsung6Series75Channel               "Kanalnummer"                 {channel="samsungtv:tv:2430eefa-240d-4f4b-a8fb-ada887551061:channel"}

Here is my code for a Sitemap with Defauls, where I can control Volume. Channel stays constant.

            Default item=TVSamsung6Series75Volume label="TVSamsung6Series75Volume"
            Default item=TVSamsung6Series75Channel label="Channel"

It’s now getting funny when I represent the Channel as Slider. This allows me then to control the channel… but Volume is also changed automatically and scaled quite equally +/-1. Also vice versa: If I change Volumen, then also Channel is changed.

            Default item=TVSamsung6Series75Volume label="TVSamsung6Series75Volume"
            Slider item=TVSamsung6Series75Channel label="Channel"

Some extract of the log file:

2022-02-24 21:48:58.012 [TRACE] [ternal.service.SmartThingsApiService] - Sending
2022-02-24 21:48:58.096 [TRACE] [ternal.service.SmartThingsApiService] - Value '27' for channel hasn't changed, ignoring update
2022-02-24 21:48:58.097 [TRACE] [ternal.service.SmartThingsApiService] - Received channel: sourceName, command: REFRESH
2022-02-24 21:48:58.098 [TRACE] [ternal.service.SmartThingsApiService] - Value 'digitalTv' for sourceName hasn't changed, ignoring update
2022-02-24 21:48:58.099 [TRACE] [ternal.service.SmartThingsApiService] - Value '0' for sourceId hasn't changed, ignoring update
2022-02-24 21:48:59.129 [TRACE] [ternal.service.SmartThingsApiService] - Received channel: channel, command: REFRESH
2022-02-24 21:48:59.130 [TRACE] [ternal.service.SmartThingsApiService] - Sending
2022-02-24 21:48:59.215 [TRACE] [ternal.service.SmartThingsApiService] - Value '27' for channel hasn't changed, ignoring update
2022-02-24 21:48:59.216 [TRACE] [ternal.service.SmartThingsApiService] - Received channel: sourceName, command: REFRESH
2022-02-24 21:48:59.217 [TRACE] [ternal.service.SmartThingsApiService] - Value 'digitalTv' for sourceName hasn't changed, ignoring update
2022-02-24 21:48:59.218 [TRACE] [ternal.service.SmartThingsApiService] - Value '0' for sourceId hasn't changed, ignoring update
2022-02-24 21:49:00.248 [TRACE] [ternal.service.SmartThingsApiService] - Received channel: channel, command: REFRESH

Using the WebUI, I can move them independently… Maybe a bug in the app?

Best regards,


Are you using the ios app? There is a bug in the ios app that causes this annoying slider behavior. If you have “real-time sliders” turned on it’s much worse. Try turning it off (if it’s on) - the bug is still there, but not as bad.

I’m glad the SmartThings API is fixed.

FYI, you don’t really need to do all your steps, just reinstalling the binding from the marketplace would update everything. Also, the token the TV sends when you accept the connection should automatically update the binding configuration (unless I’ve messed something else up). The only thing you actually need to manually enter is the SmartThings PAT.

I’m not sure what the best control is for channel. A slider seems hard to use for picking a channel. You could use a Setpoint, Switch, or a Selection control like this:

Setpoint item=TVSamsung6Series75Channel label="Channel [%s]" minValue=1 maxValue=100 step=1
Switch item=TVSamsung6Series75Channel label="Channel [%s]" mappings=[3="Ch 3", 6="Ch 6", 23="Ch 23", 123="Ch 123"]
Selection item=TVSamsung6Series75Channel label="Channel [%s]" mappings=[3="Ch 3", 6="Ch 6", 23="Ch 23", 123="Ch 123"]

With the Switch and Selector, you can give your channels names (in the mappings), but with limited screen space, you would only be able to include your favorite channels. The Setpoint would also only allow you to click up and down channels. Unfortunately OpenHAB doesn’t have a “numerical entry” control (like a keypad) - there is a keypad widget in the marketplace, but I’ve never tried it see Keypad.

Let me know if you are still having problems with channel/volume if you use a different control for channel. I haven’t tried channel with a slider.

Thanks for the help in debugging the binding!

Ubuntu server 20.04, openHAB 3.2.0.M3 milestone.
Strange I don’t get anything with list:bundles in karaf.
Any alternative?