Scheduling rule for coffee maker with delay/timer (Beginner)

  • Platform information:

    • Hardware: Raspberry Pi 3b+ Processor: BCM2835; Linux 4.19.50-v7+ armv7l
    • OS: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster); Firmware #896
    • Java Runtime Environment: (build 11.0.8+10-post-Raspbian-1deb10u1); Version 11.0.8" 2020-07-14
    • openHAB version: 2.5.9 Release Build
  • Please post configurations (if applicable):

  • Issue of the topic: please be detailed explaining your issue:

Dear community,
After setting up my openHAB successfully on the above mentioned environment I am now getting in touch with my first rule:

The goal is to prepare my coffee machine in terms of power on and rinse action on a specific time in the morning with a delay of 2 minutes / 120 seconds between both actions.

  1. Power on coffee maker every Monday and Wednesday at 04:45am
  2. Wait 120 seconds
  3. Start mandatory rinse action

Both actions are successfully covered with two switch items using the http-binding which are stated above.

One approach could be covering both actions in two rules, the second rule is just postponed 2 minutes in the cron minute time:

Rule "Kaffeemaschine power on"
              Time cron 0 45 4 ? * MON,WED *

Rule "Kaffeemaschine rinse"
              Time cron 0 47 4 ? * MON,WED *

Is my general understanding of the syntax correct? To have this task combined into one rule, my preferred approach would be the following:

Rule "Kaffeemaschine preparation"
              Time cron 0 45 4 ? * MON,WED *
              createTimer(now.plusSeconds(120), [ Coffee_Rinse.sendCommand(On) ])

Same question here: Is my general understanding of the syntax correct? Right now I am not able to check the openHab logs/events for testing because the logging seems to be broken. I will create another thread for this issue.

Therefore this request to you is just to make sure that I heading into the right direction. Any approvals, advices and improvements are appreciated. Thanks!

Best regards,

PS: Sorry for the formatting
Edit: Code fencing

You need to use code fences for configuration to avoid the forum stripping out necessary spacing.

Thanks for the hint, text and code passages are updated!

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Your rules, where spaces matter, need code fences too.

I think I got it now :wink:

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Thank you.

I may be wrong but I thought rules need 4 spaces for indents. I may be mistaken, though,

Running multiple commands in the same rule is fine. I do it in some of mine.

Great, thanks for looking into this. How about the general syntax for my prefered rule:

Rule "Kaffeemaschine preparation"
              Time cron 0 45 4 ? * MON,WED *
              createTimer(now.plusSeconds(120), [ Coffee_Rinse.sendCommand(On) ])

Is the syntax for the timer correct in terms of brackets?

I have not used createTimer(). Sorry.

Sure, no problem. I added the rule to my openHAB environment with adding TUE for tomorrows test. I will let you know if can directly make coffee or not :slight_smile:

Unfortunately I am not able to check the logs due to the issue with the logging mechanism from my other thread.

Send ON… not On (case sensitive).


Thanks! Directly corrected in my rules file

Another thing… if you want to test this now, add a System started trigger and the rule will trigger when the file is saved. Remove it when you are done testing.

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Thank you all for your comments. With your help I got it runnung with the System startedcondition.

2020-12-15 12:12:46.171 [INFO ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Loading model 'ikea.rules'

2020-12-15 12:12:52.518 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'Coffee_PowerOn' received command ON
2020-12-15 12:14:52.527 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'Coffee_Rinse' received command ON

It worked perfectly with System started condition, therefore I exchanged it now with the required cron time expression. Is it correct to put the cron expression into <"">?

rule "Ikea"
    Time cron "0 45 4 ? * MON,WED *"
    createTimer(now.plusSeconds(120), [ Coffee_Rinse.sendCommand(ON) ])

According to the logs the rule was sucessfully loaded. Lets see if the coffee maker is ready tomorrow morning :slight_smile:

Yes, quotes around Quartz cron expression…