Searching for a good temperature sensor - maybe with air quality


My turtle will go back into the fridge as soon as the weather gets worse again…
I have a thermostat on the power plug that measures the temperature in the refrigerator and switches it on and off between certain temperatures.

I want to keep it that way…
However, I would like to monitor the temperature, since this part hung up and the turtle was no longer cooled anymore…

That’s why I’m looking for a temperature sensor - preferably via Z-Wave - possibly also Zigbee, which can at least measure temperatures down to 3 °C…
Of course, the best thing would be one that can also measure the air quality - i.e. how much oxygen is still in the refrigerator in order to ventilate it at reasonable intervals.

Can you maybe give me some suggestions?
Thanks in advance!

I know of no off-the-shelf sensors that measure O2. There are some bluetooth sensors like AirThings that measure CO, CO2, Radon, VOC (as well as temp and humidity) but I’ve never seen one that measures O2. You will likely need to build something yourself for that based on an ESP or an Arduino.

CO also would not be bad…

Make one yourself I believe is the best option. I’m raving the BME680 from bosch. It outputs the air quality calculated by Bosch own Algorithm. It’s pretty cool.
Edit: well it doesn’t have o2 reading of course.
But it can recognize co2, calculates it in ppm, and calculates the air quality Directly.

Edit2: wow I need to stop typing on my smartphone while shopping. Corrected tons of typos.

Not sure about your budget:

It comes with “intelligent connected remote monitoring” - whatever that means …