Semantic model - return to the previous node in the tree view when returning to /settings/model

  • openHAB version: 3.1.0 main

Use case:
As an administrator, I would like there to be a setting to allow the view of the Semantic Model to remain at the same node in the model as I was last working with the last time I used the Semantic Model browser.

Present behavior:
If I leave the /settings/model/-page to check something (e.g an Item, a rule or whatever), when I return to the Semantic model, the tree has collapsed and I have to click my way down the tree all over again.

low (but it sure would be nice :slight_smile: )

Best /Brus-Per

Open another tab on the browser and just switch between the two. That’s how I do it.
ctrl-page up and ctrl-page down to jump between the tabs.

Agree, that’s what I do as well but sometimes (too often) I forget to switch to another window just to find myself traversing the tree again…

You can type the item in the search and that will filter out all the locations that don’t have that item in it and then you can get there in the model faster.

Example without filter looking for coffee machine:

Example with filter:

Well, in fact, there is no reason at all to return to another menu when saving changes.
This is also true for items and things - especially for things, because whenever creating a thing manually, one has to find the thing by searching in the things list right after creating the thing, because the thing has no channels yet (and of course you would like to link the channels to some items).

So why return to the things list after thing creation? And this is true also for the semantic model…

Another work around is to use the Developer Sidebar. You can search for and see your Items, Things, Rules etc and even pin the ones that are currently relevant there.

You can click on the Item to see its current state or the pencil to go to the Item’s settings page.

You can see the Thing’s status and you can disable a Thing (the pause icon) or open it’s setting page by clicking the pencil icon.

You can see the Rule’s status, disable/enable the rule, run the rule or open the rule’s page by clicking the pencil icon.

You can also pin custom widgets there too. So when you are working on something, you can pin all the relevant entities related to that project on the sidebar and have them all there to reference without navigating around the place or having half a dozen tabs open. the Developer sidebar will remain open in that tab even as you navigate through the different settings pages. So if you need to edit an Item just click on the pencil. Edit that Item. Then click on the pencil for the Rule to return to the Rule page to continue where you left off.

This can be handy for testing too as you can send commands to the found/pinned Items right from the sidebar.

If the widget shown isn’t what you need for testing, you can set the Default Card Widget (I think) which will change the widget shown in the sidebar to one you can use to command the Item.

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The Developer Sidebar is very helpful but as far as I can see, it does not include pinning nodes in the semantic model; it simply says NULL and refuses to jump to a specific node in the model browser.
Works nice for items, rules and things but not for the semantic model as far as I can tell.

The Model is made up of Items. There really is nothing special about the model. It’s one way to view your Items based on a Group membership and tags. That’s it. Everything you see there is an Item.

You’ve pinned the Item named gHouse to the sidebar and clicking on it shows its state is NULL, which is not surprising for a Location tagged Item. If you click on the pencil you can see all the members of that Group Item, but a more typical use case would be to pin those members of gHouse you are working with at the moment.

This isn’t a work around to see the model hierarchy in another location. This is a work around to solve “If I leave the /settings/model/-page to check something (e.g an Item, a rule or whatever), when I return to the Semantic model, the tree has collapsed and I have to click my way down the tree all over again.”

Pin those Items from the model you are working with an then no matter where you go in the UI, those Items are right there in the sidebar where you can find them.