Ah, sorry, overseen the group memberships. Sorry, but this does not look right.
The group
Group gEquipFamilyRoomLights "Family Room Lights" <material:lightbulb> (gLocMainFloorFamilyRoom) ["Lightbulb"]
needs to have a different Tag, otherwise the brightness controls will not be seen.
Please change Tag and Metadata to
Group gEquipFamilyRoomLights "Family Room Lights" <material:lightbulb> (gLocMainFloorFamilyRoom) ["DimmableLight"] {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the", equipment="Ceiling Light", location="Bathroom"}
The Item
Dimmer MainFloor_FirePlaceLights_Dimmmer "Fire Place Lights" <light> (gEquipFamilyRoomLights) ["Control","Light"] {channel="mqtt:homie300:Queen:dimmer-4ab35c1:dimmer#dimmer", OccupancyEvent = "Switch"}
is member of
Group gEquipFamilyRoomLights "Family Room Lights" <material:lightbulb> (gLocMainFloorFamilyRoom) ["DimmableLight"]
Therefore, the naming needs to be
Dimmer gEquipFamilyRoomLights_brightness "Fire Place Lights" <light> (gEquipFamilyRoomLights) ["Control","Light"] {uiSemantics="uiSemantics"[preposition=" in the", equipment="Ceiling Light", location="Bathroom"],channel="mqtt:homie300:Queen:dimmer-4ab35c1:dimmer#dimmer", OccupancyEvent = "Switch"}
Please note, you can have as many lights in a location as you wish, but each light needs itâs own equipment group and the Points (Items) in the group follow this naming:
EquipmentGroupName + "_" + ControlType[switch/brightness/colorTemperature/color]