sendHttpGetRequest with timezone?

Is it possible to define a sort of timezone with sendHttpGetRequest? The hours I get are different when running it in browser and postman/openhab.

When I execute this GET command in browser, I get:

<ArrayOfDailyDayAheadPriceDto xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
<IsVisible xmlns="">true</IsVisible>
<IsVisible xmlns="">true</IsVisible>
<IsVisible xmlns="">true</IsVisible>
<IsVisible xmlns="">true</IsVisible>

but when I run sendHttpGetRequest('') or use Postman, I get:

	"dateTime": "2023-03-20T23:00:00Z",
	"price": 120.790,
	"isVisible": true
}, {
	"dateTime": "2023-03-21T00:00:00Z",
	"price": 112.280,
	"isVisible": true
}, {
	"dateTime": "2023-03-21T01:00:00Z",
	"price": 111.560,
	"isVisible": true
}, {
	"dateTime": "2023-03-21T02:00:00Z",
	"price": 108.650,
	"isVisible": true

Settings -> Regional settings -> Timezone
match your timezone?

Yes it it:

But I get the same ‘wrong’ hours when I do it via Postman, so probably nothing to do with OH. But I would like to get the correct values offcourse :slight_smile:

The Date/Time in the request header must use GMT (see RFC 7231: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content), but your browser seems to leak your time zone via Time Zone Offset (see

And how can I include this header?

Please ask your data provider. Hacking it comes with no guarantee that the hack will last.