Sending a notification when smoke is detected or test button is pushed - Heiman HS1SA


I am completely new to OpenHab and having some great fun with it. I’ve managed to get my Z Wave network up and running and have followed the getting started tutorials on the OpenHab website. Ive also got myOpenHab up and running and I was able to follow a tutorial sending push notifications to my mobile phone and also by SMS when you toggle a switch via the Basic UI. Great!!

OK I’ve purchased a Heiman Smoke Detector - HS1SA

Ive got it showing up on OpenHab ok and I can see the status as being online.

I am trying to now create a simple rule with notifications.rules so that when the smoke detector goes off or I press the test button I merely need a notification to be sent either to my phone or mail.
I can’t seem to get it to work and its really starting to bug me. I have gone through similar examples based on this. If anyone could kindly help my sanity I would be very grateful for your help.

In my notifications.rules I have this which was modified from the example I had working above so I know that notifications definitely do work ok but something isn’t right here as when I press the smoke alarm test button I don’t get a notification.

rule "Fire in Office"
         Item zwave_device_7763853a_node6_alarm_smoke changed
         if(zwave_device_7763853a_node6_alarm_smoke.state == ON)
                logInfo("notifications", "Smoke Detected in Office")
                sendNotification("", "Smoke Detected in Office")

In my notifications.items I created:

Switch zwave_device_7763853a_node6_alarm_smoke "Office Smoke" <switch>

Can someone please provide some insight? I don’t see the notification being sent to myOpenHab nor do the logs show up anything.

Much appreciated.

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The item you showed us seems not to be linked to a channel ( although you could have done that via PaperUI). If the item is not linked it will never change its state!
A logInfo line before the if statement would show if the rule is triggered at all.


What does the log show when the item changes state? Is it ON/OFF or something different?

You can try removing the if statement and just send the notification for testing the rule and message.



yes I set the link via PaperUI and when I unlinked and relinked it I can see that happening in the logs.

I placed the log info before the if statement so it now shows as:

rule "Fire in Office"
         Item zwave_device_7763853a_node6_alarm_smoke changed
        logInfo("notifications", "Smoke Detected in Office")
        sendNotification("", "Smoke Detected in Office")
        if(zwave_device_7763853a_node6_alarm_smoke.state == ON)
                logInfo("notifications", "Smoke Detected in Office")
                sendNotification("", "Smoke Detected in Office")

Sadly not seeing anything generated in the logs nor via notification in myOpenHab

Based on the code above that should work ok? (in theory)

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Is that the item name or the channel?

If it’s the channel then change the rule from Item to Channel

rule "Fire in Office"
         Channel zwave_device_7763853a_node6_alarm_smoke triggered ON
        logInfo("notifications", "Smoke Detected in Office")
        sendNotification("", "Smoke Detected in Office")
        if(zwave_device_7763853a_node6_alarm_smoke.state == ON)
                logInfo("notifications", "Smoke Detected in Office")
                sendNotification("", "Smoke Detected in Office")

N/M I see above you have the item posted as:

This item has no channel defined so please add it by copying the correct syntax from paperUI and also unlink it in paperui if you are going to use a file for items. Once you add the channel to the item file and save, the link should automatically happen.

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OK tried your suggestions above and sadly still no luck. This is the how I see the device via Paper UI --> Things. First I tried the Alarm (smoke) is set as a channel enabled. I also tried disabling this channel via PaperUI and writing the switch line within notifications.items. Note: I added the <switch> tag at the end as it was missing from your line above?

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That makes no difference for the rule.

I did forget to add " " to the channel in the rule. :roll_eyes:

Channel "zwave_device_7763853a_node6_alarm_smoke" triggered ON

Can you post the item as you have it configured in the item file? BTW the item name you posted above is the channel. :wink:

This is what your item, using item files should look like:

Switch Alarm "Office Smoke" <switch> {channel="zwave:device:7763853a:node6:alarm:smoke"}

The rule with correct item:

rule "Fire in Office"
         Item Alarm changed to ON
        logInfo("notifications", "Smoke Detected in Office")
        sendNotification("", "Smoke Detected in Office")
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Channels are not triggered. They do have states though, I believe. Items are generally used in rules.

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You can use the channel as a trigger. Mostly see this with the Astro binding.


rule "AqaraWirelessSwitch2Go"
    Channel "deconz:switch:homeserver:00158d0001e83c05010006:buttonevent" triggered
    logInfo("AqaraWirelessSwitch2Go", "AqaraWirelessSwitch2Go wurde gedrückt")
    // Assume current dim is 0 if Item is NULL, light will turn on at 20%
    val curr = if(Licht_Buero_Deckenfluter.state === NULL) 0 else Licht_Buero_Deckenfluter.state as Number

    val newDim = curr + 20 // calculate the new dim value
    val newState = if(newDim <= 100) ON else OFF // determine if the light should be ON or OFF

    if(newState == OFF) Licht_Buero_Deckenfluter.sendCommand(OFF)
    else Licht_Buero_Deckenfluter.sendCommand(newDim)

But IMHO it’s much easier to use items and you’re less likely to have syntax issues.


There is also a nasty bug in the old rule engine for Channel triggers. They work great in the new rule engine though.


eeekkkk!!! Gah!!! :cry:

ok items file is now showing as:

Switch Alarm "Office Smoke" <switch> {channel="zwave:device:7763853a:node6:alarm_smoke"}

I changed the alarm:smoke to alarm_smoke at the end of the channel name as that what is showing under its channel name as per screenshot I sent?

ive updated the rules to:

rule "Fire in Office"
         Item Alarm changed to ON
        logInfo("notifications", "Smoke Detected in Office")
        sendNotification("", "Smoke Detected in Office")
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Yes if that is what’s in PaperUI then it’s correct and you can copy and paste that if you like. I had a hard time viewing the screen shot but you get the idea. Also go to PaperUI and look for the Alarm item and make sure the channel is linked e.g. click the blue button.

I changed the rule so you only get notified if the smoke alarm changed to ON.

Have you tested the new item/rule and watched the logs for errors?

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yes all changes made and double checked everything both items and rules file. logs aren’t showing up anything when I press the test button on the smoke detector for a few seconds. The smoke detector is sounding and flashing. I checked the PaperUI and it is already checked. I did try disabling it and then enabling it again but that came back with an error not found message. Hadn’t seen that before. The other channels - binary sensor and battery did seem to enable/disable ok.

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That is b/c the item was created in a file and PaperUI can not delete files.

You may need to stop OH, clean the cache and reboot after making all these changes. What are you running OH on and how did you install?

Also you can add the Alarm item to your sitemap and toggle the switch to verify the rule sends a message.

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Will this channel be triggered when pressing the test button at all?

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I have tested the smoke alarm when I was messing around with Home Assistant and pressing the test button did simulate the same outcome if smoke was detected. I did get notified using HA so assumed it must act in the same way with OpenHab? Or is my assumption the mother of all frack ups? :joy:

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Yes it should, just need to get the correct name and channel part worked out.

You can also comment out the item created in files then recreate and name it in PaperUI to make sure there is not a syntax error.

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OK tried that and I noticed in the logs this is shown when you disable and enable it via PaperUI

2020-02-21 18:47:59.311 [.ItemChannelLinkAddedEvent] - Link 'zwave_device_7763853a_node6_alarm_smoke-zwave:device:7763853a:node6:alarm_smoke' has been added.

Ive also tried this thinking that the channel name should have actually been this all along but still no joy. In the items file I pasted this directly as above.

So my rules file looks like this now:

rule "Send Mobile Push Notification"
        Item Send_via_App_Switch changed
        if(Send_via_App_Switch.state == ON)
                logInfo("notifications", "Sending notification via app.")
                sendNotification("", "Notification sent via app.")


rule "Send Notification via Mail"
        Item Send_via_Mail_Switch changed
        if(Send_via_Mail_Switch.state == ON)
                logInfo("notifications", "Sending notification via mail")
                sendMail("", "Mail Notification", "Notification sent from OpenHab")


rule "Fire in Office"
        Item Alarm changed to ON

        logInfo("notifications", "Rule for Fire in Office triggered")
        sendNotification("", "Smoke Detected in Office")

my items file is:

Switch Send_via_App_Switch "Send via App" <switch>
Switch Send_via_Mail_Switch "Send via Mail" <switch>
Switch Send_via_Telegram_Switch "Send via Telgram" <switch>
Switch Alarm "Office Smoke" <switch> {channel="zwave_device_7763853a_node6_alarm_smoke-zwave:device:7763853a:node6:alarm_smoke"}

I also tried toggling the channel link off and on via PaperUI.

Via Paper UI and the logs its stating it as ’zwave_device_7763853a_node6_alarm_smoke-zwave:device:7763853a:node6:alarm_smoke'

Why does it repeat itself but one uses underscores and the other using colons?

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OK I stopped OH, cleaned the cache and rebooted. Its running on a Raspberry Pi Model 4 and it was installed as instructions per OpenHab’s website.

I also have a toggle switch I setup previously and I just checked that again and it works fine so I definitely 100% know that notifications are working and I can also see the notification within myOpenHab.

This is quite bizarre :slight_smile:

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OK I think its solved!!

Something very odd is going on because I have two of those smoke sensors and they both are showing as the same device code except for the node of which they are attached. so the office one didn’t work. I just tried the other one from the lounge and pressing the button notifications worked!!!

I removed the Office smoke detector from OpenHab and reset it to factory settings then re-added it as new to OpenHab. Made sure the rules and items files were updated to reflect any changes. Oddly this still won’t work. If I unpair the Office one from OpenHab again I can see it going Offline and the Lounge smoke sensor 007 is still there and it works o.k. even sending notifications.

Is the problem because of the device id is the same? shouldn’t these Z-Wave devices be showing unique device id’s?

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