Set timer title


I started to use timers. I saw in the log file that timer execution is logged with a line like 2019-12-01 15:33:11.988 [DEBUG] [t.internal.actions.TimerExecutionJob] - Executing timer 'DEFAULT.2019-12-01T15:33:11.987+01:00: Proxy for org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Procedures$Procedure0 followed by the timer code. Is it possible to change the title of the timer? Basically that the log entry reads: Executing timer 'MyRuleTimerTitle: instead of Executing timer 'DEFAULT.2019-12-01T15:33:11.987+01:00:


No, this is not currently possible in the rules DSL

Thanks for the quick answer. Would it be possible using Jython? Just read about the JSR223 Scripting which sounds promising.

No, can’t be done with scripted automation either… at least out of the box. There have been some discussions about schedulers and management of them in OHC. It doesn’t hurt to put in a feature request.
