Setpoint with number not working properly

Hello everyone,

I have 2 items on my sitemap that are use to control the temperature. They are set using a setpoint with up/down button.

Setpoint item=HQ_Control_Low_Heat label="Low Heat [%.1f °C]" minValue=10 maxValue=21 step=0.5 visibility=[hq_controlTemp==ON]
Setpoint item=HQ_PowerSave_Peak_High_Temp label="High Heat [%.1f °C]" minValue=18 maxValue=30 step=0.5 visibility=[hq_controlTemp==ON]

The item is created in the Web UI with the following property

On my gui, I do see the number 26.0 right now. Up to 4.3.0, I was able to press up/down arrow key or use the setpoint slider in increment on 0.5. Now, when I press the up key, it goes up 1.0 degree and the down arrow do nothing. And when using the slider, I do see it stop at each 0.5 interval but the displayed value on the slider is still 26C (no decimal) and when saved, it show 26.0. I know it used to work since the value was 27.5 before I touch it this morning and I set that value about a month ago.

Thank you

Hi There,

I meet the same issue using OpenHab 4.3.1 and Android App 3.16.2

Setpoint item=Z_Wave_002_Wohnzimmer__Setpoint_heating label="Wohnzimmer [%.1f °C]" minValue=4.0 maxValue=28 step=0.5
label: Setpoint (heating)
type: Number:Temperature
category: Heating
groupNames: []
  - Point

The number item was generated “automatically” in the UI.

It is possible to go upwards in 1.0 steps
The button downwards doesn’t work
The slider shows all temperatures twice, but always results in the whole number

Other facts:
in the Main UI up- and down- arrows work as intended
When I use the Main UI to change the temperature i am ONCE allowed to go one step ( 1.0 degree ) down

I am quite sure, I forgot some relevant information. Could this be a bug or did I (we) sth wrong?

Yes, I face the exact same issue since upgrading to openhab 4.3.1
Down arrow of setpoint no longer works on my android app.

I was able to resolve the issue.

  • I changed the step from 0.5 to 1.0
  • I change the item type from Dimmer to Number

I don’t know which of these 2 resolved it, but it now works again

If you put it back to 0.5, does it still work? I need it to work with 0.5

@lolodomo do you know of any recent changes that might relate to this ?

The problem is with and only with the Android app?

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as far as I can tell only with Android App.

When setting step=1, it is possible to switch down the temperature.

Setting back step to 0.5 makes it impossible to switch down.
Moving upwards is possible then, but only in 1.0 steps.

in Basic UI, the same sitemap works as a charm

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@mueller-ma for information.

The best would be probably to open an issue in Android app git repo.

The weird thing is the problem arise after I upgraded my server, not my android device.