Shelly Binding

Crap. You’re right I checked the app and had my pro down again. This is a worse problem than I thought…

Is my firmware equal to the one on your pro 3m?

Yes, all Pro´s with 1.4.4 has that problem.
My 3EM is also 1.4.4

One of my Pro 4 PM is 1.0.7, and this one runs fine.

Well crap. This prevents the usage of the device all together if it blocks it in discovery… ignoring it prevents the device from getting swamped at least?

Nope, as soon as the Shelly binding is active, the Shelly is flooded with websocket connects/disconnects.

You are welcome to recreate this yourself.
In the Openhab GUI > Bindings > Shelly > Settings > Adjust log level (debug).

If you have a log viewer such as Fontail installed,
you can then view the logs live on port 9001.

Humm nope, not seing that:

Am I doing something wrong?

Btw do you see all three meters? Can you share with me the channel code? I have this weird bug where I only see two meters and wanted to try to add manually the rest.


UID: shelly:shellypro3em:123456789
label: SHELLY-PRO-3EM-01
thingTypeUID: shelly:shellypro3em
  eventsCoIoT: true
  deviceIp: 192.168.0.x
  eventsSwitch: false
  updateInterval: 60
  eventsButton: false
  eventsPush: false
location: UG Hauptverteilung
  - id: device#alarm
    channelTypeUID: shelly:alarmTrigger
    label: Alarm
    description: Alarmauslöser, z.B. schwaches WiFi Signal erkannt oder Überhitzung
    configuration: {}
  - id: device#wifiSignal
    channelTypeUID: system:signal-strength
    label: Signalstärke
    description: Zeigt die aktuelle Signalstärke an. Werte von 0 (Kein Signal) bis 4
    configuration: {}
  - id: device#deviceName
    channelTypeUID: shelly:deviceName
    label: Gerätename
    description: Symbolischer Name des Gerätes (Konfiguration über Shelly App)
    configuration: {}
  - id: device#accumulatedWatts
    channelTypeUID: shelly:meterAccuWatts
    label: Kumulierter Verbrauch
    description: Kumulierter Verbrauch in Watt (schließt alle Strommesser ein)
    configuration: {}
  - id: device#accumulatedWTotal
    channelTypeUID: shelly:meterAccuTotal
    label: Kumulierter Gesamtverbrauch
    description: Kumulierter Gesamtverbrauch in kWh (schließt alle Strommesser ein)
    configuration: {}
  - id: device#totalKWH
    channelTypeUID: shelly:totalKWH
    label: Total Energy Consumption Device
    description: Total energy consumption of the device in kW/h since the device
      powered up (resets on restart)
    configuration: {}
  - id: device#accumulatedReturned
    channelTypeUID: shelly:meterAccuReturned
    label: Kumulierte Einspeisung
    description: Kumulierte Einspeisung in kW/h (schließt alle Strommesser ein)
    configuration: {}
  - id: device#resetTotals
    channelTypeUID: shelly:meterResetTotals
    label: Energie-Messdaten zurücksetzen
    description: Setzt die gesammelten Messwerte zurück
    configuration: {}
  - id: device#uptime
    channelTypeUID: shelly:uptime
    label: Laufzeit
    description: Anzahl Sekunden seit dem das Gerät mit Strom versorgt wurde
    configuration: {}
  - id: device#heartBeat
    channelTypeUID: shelly:heartBeat
    label: Letzte Aktivität
    description: Zeitpunkt der letzten Aktivität. Hierbei kann es sich um einen
      erfolgreichen API-Aufruf, oder Sensor-Aktualisierung handeln. Dies
      schließt eine erfolgreiche Netzwerk-Kommunikation ein (WiFi + IP).
    configuration: {}
  - id: device#updateAvailable
    channelTypeUID: shelly:updateAvailable
    label: Firmwareaktualisierung verfügbar
    description: "EIN: Es ist eine neuere Firmwareversion verfügbar (Update kann mit
      der Shelly App oder im Shelly Manager durchgeführt werden)"
    configuration: {}
  - id: meter1#currentWatts
    channelTypeUID: shelly:meterWatts
    label: Stromverbrauch 1
    description: Aktueller Energieverbrauch in Watt
    configuration: {}
  - id: meter1#totalKWH
    channelTypeUID: shelly:meterTotal
    label: Gesamtverbrauch 1
    description: Gesamtverbrauch in kWh seit das Gerät eingeschaltet wurde (wird
      beim Neustart zurückgesetzt)
    configuration: {}
  - id: meter1#returnedKWH
    channelTypeUID: shelly:meterReturned
    label: Einspeisung 1
    description: Einspeisung in kWh
    configuration: {}
  - id: meter1#voltage
    channelTypeUID: shelly:meterVoltage
    label: Spannung 1
    description: RMS Spannung in Volt
    configuration: {}
  - id: meter1#current
    channelTypeUID: shelly:meterCurrent
    label: Stromstärke 1
    description: Stromstärke in Ampere
    configuration: {}
  - id: meter1#powerFactor
    channelTypeUID: shelly:meterPowerFactor
    label: Leistungsfaktor 1
    description: Energiefaktor in Prozent für Photovoltaik
    configuration: {}
  - id: meter1#lastUpdate
    channelTypeUID: shelly:lastUpdate
    label: Letzte Aktualisierung 1
    description: Zeitstempel der letzten Statusaktualisierung
    configuration: {}
  - id: meter2#currentWatts
    channelTypeUID: shelly:meterWatts
    label: Stromverbrauch 2
    description: Aktueller Energieverbrauch in Watt
    configuration: {}
  - id: meter2#totalKWH
    channelTypeUID: shelly:meterTotal
    label: Gesamtverbrauch 2
    description: Gesamtverbrauch in kWh seit das Gerät eingeschaltet wurde (wird
      beim Neustart zurückgesetzt)
    configuration: {}
  - id: meter2#returnedKWH
    channelTypeUID: shelly:meterReturned
    label: Einspeisung 2
    description: Einspeisung in kWh
    configuration: {}
  - id: meter2#voltage
    channelTypeUID: shelly:meterVoltage
    label: Spannung 2
    description: RMS Spannung in Volt
    configuration: {}
  - id: meter2#current
    channelTypeUID: shelly:meterCurrent
    label: Stromstärke 2
    description: Stromstärke in Ampere
    configuration: {}
  - id: meter2#powerFactor
    channelTypeUID: shelly:meterPowerFactor
    label: Leistungsfaktor 2
    description: Energiefaktor in Prozent für Photovoltaik
    configuration: {}
  - id: meter2#lastUpdate
    channelTypeUID: shelly:lastUpdate
    label: Letzte Aktualisierung 2
    description: Zeitstempel der letzten Statusaktualisierung
    configuration: {}
  - id: meter3#currentWatts
    channelTypeUID: shelly:meterWatts
    label: Stromverbrauch 3
    description: Aktueller Energieverbrauch in Watt
    configuration: {}
  - id: meter3#totalKWH
    channelTypeUID: shelly:meterTotal
    label: Gesamtverbrauch 3
    description: Gesamtverbrauch in kWh seit das Gerät eingeschaltet wurde (wird
      beim Neustart zurückgesetzt)
    configuration: {}
  - id: meter3#returnedKWH
    channelTypeUID: shelly:meterReturned
    label: Einspeisung 3
    description: Einspeisung in kWh
    configuration: {}
  - id: meter3#voltage
    channelTypeUID: shelly:meterVoltage
    label: Spannung 3
    description: RMS Spannung in Volt
    configuration: {}
  - id: meter3#current
    channelTypeUID: shelly:meterCurrent
    label: Stromstärke 3
    description: Stromstärke in Ampere
    configuration: {}
  - id: meter3#powerFactor
    channelTypeUID: shelly:meterPowerFactor
    label: Leistungsfaktor 3
    description: Energiefaktor in Prozent für Photovoltaik
    configuration: {}
  - id: meter3#lastUpdate
    channelTypeUID: shelly:lastUpdate
    label: Letzte Aktualisierung 3
    description: Zeitstempel der letzten Statusaktualisierung
    configuration: {}

When I save it it deleted the added code :confused: setting the Shelly pro back to disabled.

Openhab Version / Binding Version?

openHAB 4.3.0.M4 Milestone Build

Main UI Commit 549112b1

Binding is from the add on store

Here 4.3, but that shouldn’t make a difference.

Sure it’s a Pro 3EM and not a Pro EM-50?

Pretty sure

Too bad there are no smiley-likes :sweat_smile:

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I also have problems with the Shelly Pro 3 EM since i updated it to 1.4.4. Most of the time it works as before but sometimes it is unresponsive. But i get now frequently the following Warn message

[WARN ] [e.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool] - Stopped without executing or closing null

I asked Shelly Support for the file to downgrade it to 1.3.0 but they say that they are not giving out any files and they are not aware og any problems with Openhab. Those they were aware of were solved in the last month.
I do see alot of communication between openhab and the 3EM in the logs. And there is still a lot of communcation after I deactivated the 3EM thing.

Very frustated with the whole issue and the support of Shelly.

I’m on OH 4.3. I added the log. I stopped the 3EM thing at 17:20:58
shelly.log (457.2 KB)

Did you try downgrading with the shelly manager?


unfortunatley no firmware to choose from.

Neither do I :frowning:

Has the Shelly binding available in the add-on store (4.3.1) incorporated all changes that were introduced in “Current DEV build 4.3.0-SNAPSHOT” (available here)?

Not that it matters much to me, because I’m eager to see that BLE PID fix introduced :wink: But I’m interested in understanding how the development of the Shelly binding works.

Yes, exactly the same experience I had with Shelly support.
Unfortunately no downgrade and no real interest in a solution.

You can try with the Shelly Matter Bridge and the OpenHAB Matter Binding.

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Hummm…. No docker…? but thank you for sharing!

Edit: I stand corrected!

Edit2: ok… matterbridge installed. All shellys accounted for and reporting. Now to make them available in openhab…