Shelly Wave i4 DC (EU) not detected?

Hi, it seems that the Shelly Wave i4 DC (EU) is not detected correctly. The node id is 0460:0009:0082:10.6 , looks ok to me. The GUI says one should file an issue in such a case, so here it is. The manufacturer documentation is here: Wave i4 DC doc. I am attaching the xml file. Thanks for your support !

network_e449d1cf__node_155.xml (33.2 KB)

This will likely have to be added to the DB
Guidance for “unknown” Zwave Device - Tutorials & Examples / Solutions - openHAB Community Note link to the blog.

Right, it is not there, thanks for the links. I see what I can do the next days to get it into the DB.

I managed to recover my account, I think I did some DB update some years ago. But it seems I don’t have the right to add a device, the webpage does not show me the Create Device button in the top right of the page ?

You might have to open a ticket for Chris to grant access

Ok, done. I’ll post if I succeeded to update the DB and download a new XML setup to discover the device.