Show Current Sun Position and Shadow of House (Generate SVG)

Can anyone give me a hint on how to get the inner circle highlighted in respect of where the sun is for someone in the southern hemisphere? Everything else looks good, but my wife just commented that the bright section of the inner circle wasn’t in the right place… now it’s all I can see and i’m not sure where to begin with the script.

The attached image was taken just before midday and the inner and outer markers look good.

Hi @pahansen

These two lines:

svg = svg + self.generateArc(WIDTH/2,PRIMARY_COLOR,self.sunset_azimuth,self.sunrise_azimuth)
svg = svg + self.generateArc(WIDTH/2,LIGHT_COLOR,self.sunrise_azimuth,self.sunset_azimuth)

Change the first one the LIGHT_COLOR and the second one to PRIMARY_COLOR

1 Like

Small evolution, if you happen to have moon age and want to display it directly :

Add a moon_age property :

		self.moon_azimuth = float(self.oh.getState('Astro_Moon_Azimuth').replace(" °",""))
		self.moon_elevation = float(self.oh.getState('Astro_Moon_Elevation').replace(" °",""))
		self.moon_age = self.oh.getState('Astro_Moon_Age')

Modification of the moon rendering :

# moon
moon = self.degreesToPoint(self.moon_azimuth, WIDTH / 2)
#svg = svg + '<circle cx="' + str(moon['x']) + '" cy="' + str(moon['y']) + '" r="' + str(MOON_RADIUS -1) + '" stroke="' + MOON_COLOR + '" stroke-width="0" fill="' + MOON_COLOR + '" />'
svg = svg + '<image x="' + str(moon['x']) + '" y="' + str(moon['y']) + '" width="' + str(MOON_RADIUS *2 ) + '" height="' + str(MOON_RADIUS *2) + '" xlink:href="/icon/moon?state=' + self.moon_age +'&amp;format=svg" />'
		svg = svg + '</svg>'

And here you are :

1 Like

Dumb question but is north up on the svg?

Yes, it should

Yes, but you’ll have to make some code changes if you live in the southern hemisphere

1 Like

And altitude in meters?

Ah I do I think there’s a post a bit up about that…

Yes in meters

I have a black background - what line can I change the colour of the shadow on? I found two “black” references but they didnt seem to do anything or is this in CSS? I also dont seem to have the hour slots?

anyone? my other question is - what could I do to use this information to help me raise and lower blinds as they come out of shadow?

Hi, I need help, I used the code from llegovich (Show Current Sun Position and Shadow of House (Generate SVG) - #141 by llegovich) to have the moon, but for some reason the svg iisn’t showing the moon. When i do

python /etc/openhab2/scripts/ update

it shows the

Sun azimuth: 314.954392516
Sun elevation: -13.147332433
Moon azimuth: 97.0532998037
Moon elevation: -22.8624873031
Done in 0:00:00.165627 seconds

but no moon is displayed, Do i have to do some other changes or just in the


would it be possible to change the “SHAPE” part to 2 separate shapes? I have a detached garage i would like to include in the image, but have no idea about the needed syntax.

Thanks in advance!

can someone post a fully working script ive tried to grab bits from a few posts above but only have it “kind of” working


I struggle with the same error of missing requests library in pip other people mentioned before

import requests
ImportError: No module named requests

The thing is though request is already installed in python

Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (2.18.4)

How can I change the reference of request to pip?
My current ubuntu version is:
Ubuntu: 18.04.2 LTS
Version of python3: 3.6.8
Version of pip: pip 19.1.1 from /python3.6/site-packages/pip (python 3.6)

Any ideas?

it is because moon elevation is below 0

but there might be issue with pylunar itself as now (0:27) i can see moon on sky physically, but pylunar is saying elevation -9 degrees (which is below horizon)
at same time astro binding from OH is saying 8,95 degrees which would result of moon being displayed.

so I suspect pylunar is having wrong data.

edit: well no, it’s wrongly implemented in script. Because per documentation pylunar requires UTC time, but in here it uses local time.

Corrected and cleaned whole working code is:
(change LAT + LONG ALT + SHAPE and your time eg. Europe/Berlin )

from __future__ import print_function

import math

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date, time
import sys
import pytz
import pylunar

from astral import Astral
from astral import Location

WIDTH = 100
HEIGHT = 100
PRIMARY_COLOR = '#1b3024'
LIGHT_COLOR = '#26bf75'
BG_COLOR = '#1a1919'
#BG_COLOR = '#555555'
SUN_COLOR = '#ffff66'

MOON_COLOR = '#999999'
FILENAME = '/etc/openhab2/html/shaddow.svg'

# Shape of the house in a 100 by 100 units square
SHAPE = [{'x': 16.37, 'y': 62.07}, \
		{'x': 28.32, 'y': 40.16}, \
		{'x': 29.57, 'y': 39.87}]
DEGS = []

class shadow(object):
	Shadow Object
	def __init__(self):

		self.debug = False 
		self.astr = Astral()
		timezone = pytz.timezone('Europe/Berlin') # Enter your time zone
		self.l = Location(('HOME', 'YOUR TOWN', LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, 'Europe/Berlin', ALTITUDE))
		self.sun = self.l.sun() = timezone.localize(
		self.nowUTC = datetime.utcnow()
		self.sun_azimuth = float(self.astr.solar_azimuth(, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE))
		print('Sun azimuth: ' + str(self.sun_azimuth))
		self.sun_elevation = float(self.astr.solar_elevation(, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE))
		print('Sun elevation: ' + str(self.sun_elevation))

		self.sunrise_azimuth = float(self.astr.solar_azimuth(self.sun['sunrise'], LATITUDE, LONGITUDE))
		self.sunset_azimuth = float(self.astr.solar_azimuth(self.sun['sunset'], LATITUDE, LONGITUDE))
		for i in xrange(0, 24, HOURS):
			a = float(self.astr.solar_azimuth(timezone.localize(datetime.combine(, time(i))), LATITUDE, LONGITUDE))
			if (a == None): a = 0

		self.moon_info = pylunar.MoonInfo(self.decdeg2dms(LATITUDE), self.decdeg2dms(LONGITUDE))
		self.moon_azimuth = self.moon_info.azimuth()
		print('Moon azimuth: ' + str(self.moon_azimuth))
		self.moon_elevation = self.moon_info.altitude()
		print('Moon elevation: ' + str(self.moon_elevation))

		if (self.sun_elevation>0): 
			self.elevation = self.sun_elevation
			self.elevation = self.moon_elevation

	def decdeg2dms(self,dd):
		negative = dd < 0
		dd = abs(dd)
		minutes,seconds = divmod(dd*3600,60)
		degrees,minutes = divmod(minutes,60)
		if negative:
			if degrees > 0:
				degrees = -degrees
			elif minutes > 0:
				minutes = -minutes
				seconds = -seconds
		return (degrees,minutes,seconds)	

	def generatePath(self,stroke,fill,points,attrs=None):

		p = ''
		p = p + '<path stroke="' + stroke + '" stroke-width="' + STROKE_WIDTH + '" fill="' + fill + '" '
		if (attrs != None): p = p + ' ' + attrs + ' '
		p = p + ' d="'
		for point in points:
			if (points.index(point) == 0):
				p = p + 'M' + str(point['x']) + ' ' + str(point['y'])
				p = p + ' L' + str(point['x']) + ' ' + str(point['y'])
		p = p + '" />'

		return p

	def generateArc(self,dist,stroke,fill,start,end,attrs=None):

		p = ''
			angle = end-start
			if (angle<0):
				angle = 360 + angle

			p = p + '<path d="M' + str(self.degreesToPoint(start,dist)['x']) + ' ' + str(self.degreesToPoint(start,dist)['y']) + ' '
			p = p + 'A' + str(dist) + ' ' + str(dist) + ' 0 '
			if (angle<180):
				p = p + '0 1 '
				p = p + '1 1 '
			p = p + str(self.degreesToPoint(end,dist)['x']) + ' ' + str(self.degreesToPoint(end,dist)['y']) + '"'
			p = p + ' stroke="' + stroke + '"'
			if (fill != None): 
				p = p + ' fill="' + fill + '" '
				p = p + ' fill="none" '
			if (attrs != None): 
				p = p + ' ' + attrs + ' '
				p = p + ' stroke-width="' + STROKE_WIDTH + '"'
			p = p + ' />'
			p = ''

		return p	

	def degreesToPoint(self,d,r):

		coordinates = {'x': 0, 'y': 0}
		cx = WIDTH / 2
		cy = HEIGHT / 2 
		d2 = 180 - d
		coordinates['x'] = cx + math.sin(math.radians(d2))*r
		coordinates['y'] = cy + math.cos(math.radians(d2))*r

		return coordinates

	def generateSVG(self):

		realSun_pos = self.degreesToPoint(self.sun_azimuth, 10000)
		if self.debug:
		sun_pos = self.degreesToPoint(self.sun_azimuth, WIDTH / 2)
		moon_pos = self.degreesToPoint(self.moon_azimuth, WIDTH / 2)

		minPoint = -1
		maxPoint = -1

		i = 0

		minAngle = 999
		maxAngle = -999
		for point in SHAPE:
			#Angle of close light source
			angle = -math.degrees(math.atan2(point['y']-sun_pos['y'],point['x']-sun_pos['x']))
			#Angle of distant light source (e.g. sun_pos)
			angle = -math.degrees(math.atan2(point['y']-realSun_pos['y'],point['x']-realSun_pos['x']))
			distance = math.sqrt(math.pow(sun_pos['y']-point['y'],2) + math.pow(sun_pos['x']-point['x'],2))
			if (angle<minAngle): 
				minAngle = angle
				minPoint = i
			if (angle>maxAngle): 
				maxAngle = angle
				maxPoint = i
			point['angle'] = angle
			point['distance'] = distance
			if self.debug:
				print(str(i).ljust(10),":", str(point['x']).ljust(10), str(point['y']).ljust(10), str(round(angle,7)).ljust(10), str(round(distance)).ljust(10))
			i = i + 1

		if self.debug: 
			print("Min Point = ",minPoint)
			print("Max Point = ",maxPoint)

		i = minPoint
		k = 0
		side1Distance = 0
		side2Distance = 0
		side1Done = False
		side2Done = False
		side1 = []
		side2 = []
		while True:
			if (side1Done == False):
				side1Distance = side1Distance + SHAPE[i]['distance']
				if(i != minPoint and i != maxPoint): SHAPE[i]['side'] = 1
				if (i == maxPoint): side1Done = True
				side1.append( { 'x': SHAPE[i]['x'], 'y': SHAPE[i]['y'] } )
			if (side1Done == True):
				side2Distance = side2Distance + SHAPE[i]['distance']
				if(i != minPoint and i != maxPoint): SHAPE[i]['side'] = 2
				if (i == minPoint): side2Done = True
				side2.append( { 'x': SHAPE[i]['x'], 'y': SHAPE[i]['y'] } )

			i = i + 1
			if( i > len(SHAPE)-1): i = 0

			if (side1Done and side2Done): break

			k = k + 1
			if (k == 20): break

		svg = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'
		svg = svg + '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">'
		svg = svg + '<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="-10 -10 120 120" xml:space="preserve">'

                # background
		svg = svg + '<circle cx="' + str(WIDTH/2) + '" cy="' + str(HEIGHT/2) + '" r="' + str(WIDTH/2-1) + '" fill="' + BG_COLOR + '"/>'

		minPointShadowX = SHAPE[minPoint]['x'] + WIDTH * math.cos(math.radians(minAngle))
		minPointShadowY = SHAPE[minPoint]['y'] - HEIGHT * math.sin(math.radians(minAngle))
		maxPointShadowX = SHAPE[maxPoint]['x'] + WIDTH * math.cos(math.radians(maxAngle))
		maxPointShadowY = SHAPE[maxPoint]['y'] - HEIGHT * math.sin(math.radians(maxAngle))

		shadow = [ {'x': maxPointShadowX, 'y': maxPointShadowY } ] + \
				side2 + \
				[ {'x': minPointShadowX, 'y': minPointShadowY } ]
		svg = svg + '<defs><mask id="shadowMask">'
		svg = svg + '	  <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="black"/>'
		svg = svg + '	  <circle cx="' + str(WIDTH/2) + '" cy="' + str(HEIGHT/2) + '" r="' + str(WIDTH/2-1) + '" fill="white"/>'
		svg = svg + '</mask></defs>'

		svg = svg + self.generatePath('none',PRIMARY_COLOR,SHAPE)

		shadow_svg = self.generatePath('none','black',shadow,'mask="url(#shadowMask)" fill-opacity="0.5"')

		if (self.elevation>0): 
			svg = svg + self.generatePath(LIGHT_COLOR,'none',side1)
			svg = svg + self.generatePath(PRIMARY_COLOR,'none',side2)

		if (self.elevation>0): svg = svg + shadow_svg

		svg = svg + self.generateArc(WIDTH/2,PRIMARY_COLOR,'none',self.sunset_azimuth,self.sunrise_azimuth)
		svg = svg + self.generateArc(WIDTH/2,LIGHT_COLOR,'none',self.sunrise_azimuth,self.sunset_azimuth)

		svg = svg + self.generatePath(LIGHT_COLOR,'none',[self.degreesToPoint(self.sunrise_azimuth,WIDTH/2-2), self.degreesToPoint(self.sunrise_azimuth,WIDTH/2+2)])
		svg = svg + self.generatePath(LIGHT_COLOR,'none',[self.degreesToPoint(self.sunset_azimuth,WIDTH/2-2), self.degreesToPoint(self.sunset_azimuth,WIDTH/2+2)])

		for i in range(0,len(DEGS)):
			if (i == len(DEGS)-1):
				j = 0
				j = i + 1
			if (i % 2 == 0):
				svg = svg + self.generateArc(WIDTH/2+8,PRIMARY_COLOR,'none',DEGS[i],DEGS[j],'stroke-width="3" stroke-opacity="0.2"')	
				svg = svg + self.generateArc(WIDTH/2+8,PRIMARY_COLOR,'none',DEGS[i],DEGS[j],'stroke-width="3" ')

		svg = svg + self.generatePath(LIGHT_COLOR,'none',[self.degreesToPoint(DEGS[0],WIDTH/2+5), self.degreesToPoint(DEGS[0],WIDTH/2+11)])
		svg = svg + self.generatePath(LIGHT_COLOR,'none',[self.degreesToPoint(DEGS[(len(DEGS))/2],WIDTH/2+5), self.degreesToPoint(DEGS[(len(DEGS))/2],WIDTH/2+11)])

		# moon drawing: compute left and right arcs
		phase = self.astr.moon_phase(
		if self.debug:
			print('phase: ' + str(phase))
		if (phase > 14):
			right_radius = MOON_RADIUS - (2.0*MOON_RADIUS* (1.0 - ((phase%14)*0.99 / 14.0)))
			if (right_radius < 0):
				right_radius = right_radius * -1.0
				right_sweep = 0
				right_sweep = 1
		if (phase < 14):
			left_radius = MOON_RADIUS - (2.0*MOON_RADIUS* (1.0 - ((phase%14)*0.99 / 14.0)))
			if (left_radius < 0):
				left_radius = left_radius * -1.0
				left_sweep = 1
		if (self.moon_elevation>0): 
			svg = svg + '<path stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="' + MOON_COLOR \
			+ '" d="M ' + str(moon_pos['x']) + ' ' + str(moon_pos['y']-MOON_RADIUS) \
			+ ' A ' + str(left_radius) + ' ' + str(MOON_RADIUS) + ' 0 0 ' + str(left_sweep) + ' ' + str(moon_pos['x']) + ' ' + str(moon_pos['y']+MOON_RADIUS) \
			+ '   ' + str(right_radius) + ' ' + str(MOON_RADIUS) + ' 0 0 ' + str(right_sweep) + ' ' + str(moon_pos['x']) + ' ' + str(moon_pos['y']-MOON_RADIUS) + ' z" />'

		# sun drawing
		if (self.sun_elevation>0): 
			svg = svg + '<circle cx="' + str(sun_pos['x']) + '" cy="' + str(sun_pos['y']) + '" r="' + str(SUN_RADIUS) + '" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="' + SUN_COLOR + '55" />'
			svg = svg + '<circle cx="' + str(sun_pos['x']) + '" cy="' + str(sun_pos['y']) + '" r="' + str(SUN_RADIUS -1) + '" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="' + SUN_COLOR + '99" />'
			svg = svg + '<circle cx="' + str(sun_pos['x']) + '" cy="' + str(sun_pos['y']) + '" r="' + str(SUN_RADIUS -2) + '" stroke="' + SUN_COLOR + '" stroke-width="0" fill="' + SUN_COLOR + '" />'

		svg = svg + '</svg>'

		if self.debug:

		f = open(FILENAME, 'w')

def main():

	t1 =

	s = shadow()

	args = sys.argv
	if(len(args) == 1):
		dummy = 0
		#print('\033[91mNo parameters specified\033[0;0m')
		if(args[1] == "update"):

	t2 =
	print("Done in " + str(t2-t1) + " seconds")

if __name__ == '__main__':

I might update that script so moon will cast proper shadow when sun is below horizon… later :wink:

1 Like

so here is a script which after SUN is under horizon (elevation < 0) shows house shadow cast by moon
it’s quick hack and it’s already dark in here so it needs some testing during the day as well :slight_smile:

from __future__ import print_function

import math

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date, time
import sys
import pytz
import pylunar

from astral import Astral
from astral import Location

WIDTH = 100
HEIGHT = 100
PRIMARY_COLOR = '#1b3024'
LIGHT_COLOR = '#26bf75'
BG_COLOR = '#1a1919'
SUN_COLOR = '#ffff66'

MOON_COLOR = '#999999'
FILENAME = '/etc/openhab2/html/shaddow.svg'

# Shape of the house in a 100 by 100 units square
SHAPE = [{'x': 16.37, 'y': 62.07}, \
		{'x': 28.32, 'y': 40.16}, \
		{'x': 38.68, 'y': 74.68}]
DEGS = []

class shadow(object):
	Shadow Object
	def __init__(self):

		self.debug = False 
		self.astr = Astral()
		timezone = pytz.timezone('Europe/Prague') # Enter your time zone
		self.l = Location(('HOME', 'YOUR TOWN', LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, 'Europe/Prague', ALTITUDE))
		self.sun = self.l.sun() = timezone.localize(
		self.nowUTC = datetime.utcnow()
		self.sun_azimuth = float(self.astr.solar_azimuth(, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE))
		print('Sun azimuth: ' + str(self.sun_azimuth))
		self.sun_elevation = float(self.astr.solar_elevation(, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE))
		print('Sun elevation: ' + str(self.sun_elevation))

		self.sunrise_azimuth = float(self.astr.solar_azimuth(self.sun['sunrise'], LATITUDE, LONGITUDE))
		self.sunset_azimuth = float(self.astr.solar_azimuth(self.sun['sunset'], LATITUDE, LONGITUDE))
		for i in xrange(0, 24, HOURS):
			a = float(self.astr.solar_azimuth(timezone.localize(datetime.combine(, time(i))), LATITUDE, LONGITUDE))
			if (a == None): a = 0

		self.moon_info = pylunar.MoonInfo(self.decdeg2dms(LATITUDE), self.decdeg2dms(LONGITUDE))
		self.moon_azimuth = self.moon_info.azimuth()
		print('Moon azimuth: ' + str(self.moon_azimuth))
		self.moon_elevation = self.moon_info.altitude()
		print('Moon elevation: ' + str(self.moon_elevation))

		if (self.sun_elevation>0): 
			self.elevation = self.sun_elevation
			self.elevation = self.moon_elevation

	def decdeg2dms(self,dd):
		negative = dd < 0
		dd = abs(dd)
		minutes,seconds = divmod(dd*3600,60)
		degrees,minutes = divmod(minutes,60)
		if negative:
			if degrees > 0:
				degrees = -degrees
			elif minutes > 0:
				minutes = -minutes
				seconds = -seconds
		return (degrees,minutes,seconds)	

	def generatePath(self,stroke,fill,points,attrs=None):

		p = ''
		p = p + '<path stroke="' + stroke + '" stroke-width="' + STROKE_WIDTH + '" fill="' + fill + '" '
		if (attrs != None): p = p + ' ' + attrs + ' '
		p = p + ' d="'
		for point in points:
			if (points.index(point) == 0):
				p = p + 'M' + str(point['x']) + ' ' + str(point['y'])
				p = p + ' L' + str(point['x']) + ' ' + str(point['y'])
		p = p + '" />'

		return p

	def generateArc(self,dist,stroke,fill,start,end,attrs=None):

		p = ''
			angle = end-start
			if (angle<0):
				angle = 360 + angle

			p = p + '<path d="M' + str(self.degreesToPoint(start,dist)['x']) + ' ' + str(self.degreesToPoint(start,dist)['y']) + ' '
			p = p + 'A' + str(dist) + ' ' + str(dist) + ' 0 '
			if (angle<180):
				p = p + '0 1 '
				p = p + '1 1 '
			p = p + str(self.degreesToPoint(end,dist)['x']) + ' ' + str(self.degreesToPoint(end,dist)['y']) + '"'
			p = p + ' stroke="' + stroke + '"'
			if (fill != None): 
				p = p + ' fill="' + fill + '" '
				p = p + ' fill="none" '
			if (attrs != None): 
				p = p + ' ' + attrs + ' '
				p = p + ' stroke-width="' + STROKE_WIDTH + '"'
			p = p + ' />'
			p = ''

		return p	

	def degreesToPoint(self,d,r):

		coordinates = {'x': 0, 'y': 0}
		cx = WIDTH / 2
		cy = HEIGHT / 2 
		d2 = 180 - d
		coordinates['x'] = cx + math.sin(math.radians(d2))*r
		coordinates['y'] = cy + math.cos(math.radians(d2))*r

		return coordinates

	def generateSVG(self):

		realSun_pos = self.degreesToPoint(self.sun_azimuth, 10000)
		realMoon_pos = self.degreesToPoint(self.moon_azimuth, 10000)
		if self.debug:
		sun_pos = self.degreesToPoint(self.sun_azimuth, WIDTH / 2)
		moon_pos = self.degreesToPoint(self.moon_azimuth, WIDTH / 2)

		minPoint = -1
		maxPoint = -1

		i = 0

		minAngle = 999
		maxAngle = -999
			angle_pos = sun_pos
			real_pos = realSun_pos
			angle_pos = moon_pos
			real_pos = realMoon_pos

		for point in SHAPE:
			#Angle of close light source
			angle = -math.degrees(math.atan2(point['y']-angle_pos['y'],point['x']-angle_pos['x']))
			#Angle of distant light source (e.g. sun_pos)
			angle = -math.degrees(math.atan2(point['y']-real_pos['y'],point['x']-real_pos['x']))
			distance = math.sqrt(math.pow(angle_pos['y']-point['y'],2) + math.pow(angle_pos['x']-point['x'],2))

			if (angle<minAngle): 
				minAngle = angle
				minPoint = i
			if (angle>maxAngle): 
				maxAngle = angle
				maxPoint = i
			point['angle'] = angle
			point['distance'] = distance
			if self.debug:
				print(str(i).ljust(10),":", str(point['x']).ljust(10), str(point['y']).ljust(10), str(round(angle,7)).ljust(10), str(round(distance)).ljust(10))
			i = i + 1

		if self.debug: 
			print("Min Point = ",minPoint)
			print("Max Point = ",maxPoint)

		i = minPoint
		k = 0
		side1Distance = 0
		side2Distance = 0
		side1Done = False
		side2Done = False
		side1 = []
		side2 = []
		while True:
			if (side1Done == False):
				side1Distance = side1Distance + SHAPE[i]['distance']
				if(i != minPoint and i != maxPoint): SHAPE[i]['side'] = 1
				if (i == maxPoint): side1Done = True
				side1.append( { 'x': SHAPE[i]['x'], 'y': SHAPE[i]['y'] } )
			if (side1Done == True):
				side2Distance = side2Distance + SHAPE[i]['distance']
				if(i != minPoint and i != maxPoint): SHAPE[i]['side'] = 2
				if (i == minPoint): side2Done = True
				side2.append( { 'x': SHAPE[i]['x'], 'y': SHAPE[i]['y'] } )

			i = i + 1
			if( i > len(SHAPE)-1): i = 0

			if (side1Done and side2Done): break

			k = k + 1
			if (k == 20): break

		svg = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'
		svg = svg + '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">'
		svg = svg + '<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="-10 -10 120 120" xml:space="preserve">'

                # background
		svg = svg + '<circle cx="' + str(WIDTH/2) + '" cy="' + str(HEIGHT/2) + '" r="' + str(WIDTH/2-1) + '" fill="' + BG_COLOR + '"/>'

		minPointShadowX = SHAPE[minPoint]['x'] + WIDTH * math.cos(math.radians(minAngle))
		minPointShadowY = SHAPE[minPoint]['y'] - HEIGHT * math.sin(math.radians(minAngle))
		maxPointShadowX = SHAPE[maxPoint]['x'] + WIDTH * math.cos(math.radians(maxAngle))
		maxPointShadowY = SHAPE[maxPoint]['y'] - HEIGHT * math.sin(math.radians(maxAngle))

		shadow = [ {'x': maxPointShadowX, 'y': maxPointShadowY } ] + \
				side2 + \
				[ {'x': minPointShadowX, 'y': minPointShadowY } ]
		svg = svg + '<defs><mask id="shadowMask">'
		svg = svg + '	  <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="black"/>'
		svg = svg + '	  <circle cx="' + str(WIDTH/2) + '" cy="' + str(HEIGHT/2) + '" r="' + str(WIDTH/2-1) + '" fill="white"/>'
		svg = svg + '</mask></defs>'

		svg = svg + self.generatePath('none',PRIMARY_COLOR,SHAPE)

		shadow_svg = self.generatePath('none','black',shadow,'mask="url(#shadowMask)" fill-opacity="0.5"')

		if (self.elevation>0): 
			svg = svg + self.generatePath(LIGHT_COLOR,'none',side1)
			svg = svg + self.generatePath(PRIMARY_COLOR,'none',side2)

		if (self.elevation>0): svg = svg + shadow_svg

		svg = svg + self.generateArc(WIDTH/2,PRIMARY_COLOR,'none',self.sunset_azimuth,self.sunrise_azimuth)
		svg = svg + self.generateArc(WIDTH/2,LIGHT_COLOR,'none',self.sunrise_azimuth,self.sunset_azimuth)

		svg = svg + self.generatePath(LIGHT_COLOR,'none',[self.degreesToPoint(self.sunrise_azimuth,WIDTH/2-2), self.degreesToPoint(self.sunrise_azimuth,WIDTH/2+2)])
		svg = svg + self.generatePath(LIGHT_COLOR,'none',[self.degreesToPoint(self.sunset_azimuth,WIDTH/2-2), self.degreesToPoint(self.sunset_azimuth,WIDTH/2+2)])

		for i in range(0,len(DEGS)):
			if (i == len(DEGS)-1):
				j = 0
				j = i + 1
			if (i % 2 == 0):
				svg = svg + self.generateArc(WIDTH/2+8,PRIMARY_COLOR,'none',DEGS[i],DEGS[j],'stroke-width="3" stroke-opacity="0.2"')	
				svg = svg + self.generateArc(WIDTH/2+8,PRIMARY_COLOR,'none',DEGS[i],DEGS[j],'stroke-width="3" ')

		svg = svg + self.generatePath(LIGHT_COLOR,'none',[self.degreesToPoint(DEGS[0],WIDTH/2+5), self.degreesToPoint(DEGS[0],WIDTH/2+11)])
		svg = svg + self.generatePath(LIGHT_COLOR,'none',[self.degreesToPoint(DEGS[(len(DEGS))/2],WIDTH/2+5), self.degreesToPoint(DEGS[(len(DEGS))/2],WIDTH/2+11)])

		# moon drawing: compute left and right arcs
		phase = self.astr.moon_phase(
		if self.debug:
			print('phase: ' + str(phase))
		if (phase > 14):
			right_radius = MOON_RADIUS - (2.0*MOON_RADIUS* (1.0 - ((phase%14)*0.99 / 14.0)))
			if (right_radius < 0):
				right_radius = right_radius * -1.0
				right_sweep = 0
				right_sweep = 1
		if (phase < 14):
			left_radius = MOON_RADIUS - (2.0*MOON_RADIUS* (1.0 - ((phase%14)*0.99 / 14.0)))
			if (left_radius < 0):
				left_radius = left_radius * -1.0
				left_sweep = 1
		if (self.moon_elevation>0): 
			svg = svg + '<path stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="' + MOON_COLOR \
			+ '" d="M ' + str(moon_pos['x']) + ' ' + str(moon_pos['y']-MOON_RADIUS) \
			+ ' A ' + str(left_radius) + ' ' + str(MOON_RADIUS) + ' 0 0 ' + str(left_sweep) + ' ' + str(moon_pos['x']) + ' ' + str(moon_pos['y']+MOON_RADIUS) \
			+ '   ' + str(right_radius) + ' ' + str(MOON_RADIUS) + ' 0 0 ' + str(right_sweep) + ' ' + str(moon_pos['x']) + ' ' + str(moon_pos['y']-MOON_RADIUS) + ' z" />'

		# sun drawing
		if (self.sun_elevation>0): 
			svg = svg + '<circle cx="' + str(sun_pos['x']) + '" cy="' + str(sun_pos['y']) + '" r="' + str(SUN_RADIUS) + '" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="' + SUN_COLOR + '55" />'
			svg = svg + '<circle cx="' + str(sun_pos['x']) + '" cy="' + str(sun_pos['y']) + '" r="' + str(SUN_RADIUS -1) + '" stroke="none" stroke-width="0" fill="' + SUN_COLOR + '99" />'
			svg = svg + '<circle cx="' + str(sun_pos['x']) + '" cy="' + str(sun_pos['y']) + '" r="' + str(SUN_RADIUS -2) + '" stroke="' + SUN_COLOR + '" stroke-width="0" fill="' + SUN_COLOR + '" />'

		svg = svg + '</svg>'

		if self.debug:

		f = open(FILENAME, 'w')

def main():

	t1 =

	s = shadow()

	args = sys.argv
	if(len(args) == 1):
		dummy = 0
		#print('\033[91mNo parameters specified\033[0;0m')
		if(args[1] == "update"):

	t2 =
	print("Done in " + str(t2-t1) + " seconds")

if __name__ == '__main__':

I stuck with the convert error of Sunrise_Azimuth Item

16:11:35.640 [INFO ] [clipse.smarthome.model.script.Shaddow] - Successfully got state from OpenHab: Sun_Azimuth
Successfully got state from OpenHab: Sun_Elevation
Successfully got state from OpenHab: Sunrise_Azimuth
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/etc/openhab2/scripts/”, line 249, in
File “/etc/openhab2/scripts/”, line 235, in main
s = shaddow()
File “/etc/openhab2/scripts/”, line 46, in init
self.sunrise_azimuth = float(self.oh.getState(‘Sunrise_Azimuth’))
ValueError: could not convert string to float: NULL

values from influxdb looks good, since the script is running for a few days now:

select * from “Sun_Azimuth”
name: Sun_Azimuth
time value

1563058800302000000 353.4056682666371
1563062400012000000 7.785783228662439
1563066000012000000 21.899547402426805

the Sun_Azimuth ItemChangedEvent returns:

16:11:35.060 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Sun_Azimuth changed from 268.235249080293 to 269.24698230499183


Number Sun_Azimuth “Azimuth” (Astro) { channel=“astro:sun:home:position#azimuth” }
Number Sunrise_Azimuth
Number Sunset_Azimuth


astro:sun:home [ geolocation=“53.385087, 10.549860,100”, interval=300 ]
astro:moon:home [ geolocation=“53.385087, 10.549860”, interval=300 ]

My guess the sunset and sunrise rule are not triggert, but don’t know what’s wrong here??

rule “Sunset Rule”
Channel ‘astro:sun:local:set#event’ triggered START

logInfo("Shaddow","Setting Sunset Azimuth.")


rule “Sunrise Rule”
Channel ‘astro:sun:local:rise#event’ triggered START

logInfo("Shaddow","Setting Sunrise Azimuth.")


Hope some one could help me with this

astro.things file content?
Astro binding is loaded (karaf bundle list -s | grep astro)?