Signal Binding [;

Just in case this helps debugging and improvingā€¦

Today I upgraded from OH 4.0.4 to OH 4.1.1. Afterwards, the Signal account was broken (as before).

I found the /lib/ folder in /tmp/ including the .so file disappeared (probably in the process of the upgrade). So I did the following:

  • Copy the configuration data of the account into an editor
  • delete the Signal Account Thing, uninstall the binding, deleted the SQL stuff inside /lib/ which is copied there by the binding whenever an account is created.
  • then re-install the binding
  • do the steps as described in my previous post
  • create a new Bridge by copying the config from the editor back into the Thing
  • enjoy having it back working! :slight_smile:

Hello all,

You probably have issue with the binding right now.


IOException - org.asamk.signal.manager.api.AccountCheckException: signal-cli version is too old for the Signal-Server, please update.

This signal-cli issue shows that the upstream project signal-cli is aware and so should make a new version soon.
A new signal binding will of course follow as soon as possible, so stay tuned.


While desperately waiting for the updateā€¦ :sweat_smile:
I just noticed that there is a very recent release in signal-cli! :smiley:

See here

Hope that helps!

Great news !
I was also waiting and checking for a new release every day.
I will try to make a new binding release very soon.
Thanks for the information.

I just made a new release. Hope it will work.
As usual : remove, reinstall from the marketplace.

In my case I also had to remove binding, restart openHAB, reinstall binding because it keeps getting the old version, for whatever reason.

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I uninstalled the binding and reinstalled without reboot. It immediately started working again :star_struck:

Big thanks for updating so quickly!

By the way, even better. On my RPi4 / 8GB, OpenHABian, OH 4.1.1, I first-time tried using this fix and deleted the .so library I added manually in the previous fix.
Itā€™s perfectly working! :smiley:

Thank you for updating so fast!

I uninstalled / reinstalled the Binding, even restarted the system but still not working.
In the UI it is sown as disabled / uninitialized:

Any hint where I could start debugging? (I am still using the old openHAB 3.4.4 :grimacing:)

Iā€™m really sorry but the binding doesnā€™t support openHAB 3.X anymore :slightly_frowning_face:. In fact, I am surprised that you could use the 3.4.0 version so long, given that Signal likes to break compatibility for older version a couple time a year.

The reason is that the signal-cli project (that I use for the binding) needs java 17, and java 17 is available with openHAB 4 only.
I maintained in 2022/2023 a fork of signal-cli for java 11 but there was -literraly- thousands of modification and it was hell to maintain, so I dropped it as soon as openHAB 4 comes outā€¦

Sorry, all I can do now is wishing you an upgrade without issue :sweat_smile: ?

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THX for the update.
The signalaccountbridge thing is now online again.
But using
val signalAction = getActions("signal", "signal:signalaccountbridge:SignalBinding_openHAB");
in a rule gives me the following error:
2024-02-08 10:55:00.949 [ERROR] [internal.handler.ScriptActionHandler] - Script execution of rule with UID 'Signal_Send' failed: Instance is not an SignalActions class.

I had this error message several times, but only when I remove the binding and reinstall it.
I think there is something wrong with the bundle reloading mechanism of openHAB.
But when I restart openHAB, the error goes away.
Let me know if it still happens after a restart ?

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Your right. It works after restarting the openhab service.
THX for your advice and making the addon work again!

Thanks for this Binding!
I got a quick question. How is it possible to send a message to multiple phone numbers?
Something like

signalAction.sendSignal("+33123456789,+33987654321", "Hello world!")

I also tried to use signalconversation, but I donā€™t get it work. Thereā€™s no example how to use it in git.

As you can see here :

Itā€™s on my wishlist !
Iā€™m primarily driven by my own need, and as I donā€™t ā€˜needā€™ this, this is on the todo list here since the beginningā€¦ By putting this here I hope to gain some help from contributorsā€¦ but to no avail for now :sweat_smile:

I didnā€™t put examples because it is designed to be straightforward. But if you donā€™t get it to work then it seems that I failed my goal :sweat_smile:
ā€œsignalconversationā€ Things are just a mean to use the binding directly with items, no code. A conversation Thing represent the exchange with one recipient. It has two channel, and those channels can be bound to text items : when the item linked to the ā€œsendā€ channel is updated, the message is sent to the recipient. And when the binding receive a message from this recipient, the item linked to the ā€œreceiveā€ channel is updated.

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Hello Gwendal,

I have installed the Signal Binding for the first time and I configured everything according to the instructions. Everything seems fine, but there are problems sending and receiving messages.

Error message while receiving a message:
[gnal.internal.protocol.SignalService] - Signal get an exception while receiving message: org.signal.libsignal.protocol.InvalidKeyIdException: No such signed pre key record:

Error message while sending a message:
[gnal.internal.protocol.SignalService] - Cannot send message to +49151xxxxxxx, cause network

I did a bit of googling and found at least some information to the receiving error described here:

signal-cli was fixed and version 0.13.0 is available since a few days:

The signal-cli used by Signal Binding is 0.12.7. When will the current signal-cli version be included in the signal binding?



I have updated the binding to the new version 0.13, with tears and blood.
Why ā€œtears and bloodā€ ? Because signal-cli 0.13 is coded for java 21ā€¦ And openHAB for java 17 ! Looks like Iā€™m back to my old friend, the backport maintenance mode :sweat_smile:

Let me know if it resolves your issues.

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Hello Gwendal,

everything works perfect now !!!
Thank you very much for your tears and blood and the mega-fast update.

Best regards,

Dear community,

I finally have convinced myself that I need help from the forum :wink:

I have trouble understanding on how the registration should work with the binding.
Could you point me somewhere where there is something like a step by step guide?

My setup at the moment ist openHAB 4.1.2 running on a Xen virtualized Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS.
I have made it through the various pitfalls (finding the right captcha generator, sms, wait one minute, voiceā€¦) to register one of my German landline numbers wie the command line version ā†’ signal cli

However, when trying to generate the signal account thing, I end up with the error

Incomplete registration: CAPTCHA_NEEDED 

When I have entered the information upon thing creation, my code looks like this:

UID: signal:signalaccountbridge:13545dd3f1
label: Signal Account
thingTypeUID: signal:signalaccountbridge
  verificationCodeMethod: TextMessage
  phoneNumber: "+4930555123123" (made up :upside_down_face:)
  captcha: signalcaptcha://signal-hcaptcha.5f..blablacaptchagoesonforever
  deviceName: rnet-signal
  verificationCode: ""
  - id: receivetrigger
    channelTypeUID: signal:signalreceivetrigger
    label: Message Received
    description: Triggered when a message is received, in the form "<sender>|<text>"
    configuration: {}

Of course I do not know the verification code before I got the call.

Do I also need the ā€œText Message First, Wait 1 Minute, Voice Call requestā€-strategy that I needed to perform with signal-cli?

I have the feeling I am missing something simple :frowning:

Hello and welcome,

First, Iā€™m not really sure of what you did and what you think you need ? :sweat_smile:
You write about signal-cli. Just to be clear : did you use it, for test purpose, or did you think you need it for this binding ?
To be sure : this binding use the signal cli code internally, but is a stand alone (In fact, the binding and signal-cli cannot even work at the same time)

The documentation has a (very little) step by step. But I agree it can probably be better (Iā€™m open for proposition).

The error message means that you captcha is either invalid or expired.
They are short lived, so if you generate it during your test with signal-cli, it probably wonā€™t be valid anymore.
They are only used during registration, so their short live is normally not an issue.

What you maybe miss is that it is a several step registration process, and so it needs your input. You need to edit and save your thing at least two times with the added information during your progress.
1- get a valid captcha (again, it is short lived, so get a fresh one)
2- Save your thing a first time, with the captcha inside. The binding will use your captcha to ask for a registration code.
(You are at this step : the captcha is not OK.)
If itā€™s OK, the thing will be in another state (donā€™t remember, maybe ā€œverification code neededā€, or something like that ?)
Anyway, next : If you choose a vocal validation, You donā€™t need the "Text Message First, Wait 1 Minute, Voice Call requestā€-strategy because it is already hard-coded in the binding. The binding will ask for a SMS, wait one minute, and ask for a vocal confirmation code. So be patient.
3- Once you have the verification code, edit your thing again to add it and save.

Now everything should be OK.
UNLESSā€¦ Several common pitfall are:

  • signal change their API (and sometimes, error messages may be wrong)
  • temporary error with signal server
  • Last pitfall : I never used the file configuration method (I used the GUI), and I donā€™t know if someone on this thread had. But it shouldnā€™t be any different.

Hi Gwendal,

thanks a lot for answering!

So what I ā€žneedā€œ (i.e. want) is to use the signal binding with my landline number :wink:

I followed the signal-cli test only to make sure that in principle everything works and because I thought it would be easier to troubleshot in case of errors.

Is there a way to find out which captcha generator is the valid one without generating rate limitation issues?

At the moment I go to

I will try to write down step by step what I am doingā€¦

At the moment I do get a ExternalServiceFailureException - StatusCode: 502
Maybe I have stressed my luck for the day

I always used the one I put in the documentation (Signal)

But you now have an ExternalServiceFailureException 502. It may relate to anything
1- temporary error from signal
2- rate limitation
3- api mismatch or deeper issue

1 or 2 requires to wait and retry (maybe tomorrow ?)
I will investigate the 3 if it still donā€™t work tomorrow.