[SOLVED] Simple Switch OFF rule

Good day,

I have integrated my HUE System into openHab, using the presence detection (HUE-Motion) to
switch lights ON or OFF. Therefore I have written a simple “Switch OFF” rule.

It’s working but I don’t like the coding, also my feeling is sometimes it’s no working as expected.

What I’m looking for is the following:
If some is leaving the room and presence changed to OFF, start a 60 sec countdown, if no-one returns switch the light off, if someone returns within the 60 sec, cancel the rule.

Here is my coding

rule "Presence in Kitchen switched to OFF"
    Item KMotionPresence changed to OFF 
if(LightRoofKitchen.state == ON){
        logInfo("RULE", "Presence is waiting 1")
        if(KMotionPresence.state == OFF){
            logInfo("RULE", "Presence is waiting 2")
            if(KMotionPresence.state == OFF){
                 logInfo("RULE", "Light switched OFF, because of no presence")


First of all you should not use Thread::sleep in rules unless REALLY necessary, that’s why:

You have two options here, you can use a timer or the expire binding
I will show you the expire binding solution

Install the expire binding
Create a switch item:

Switch KMotionPresence_Timer { expire="1m, command=OFF }

This item, when turned ON will turn itself OFF after 1 minute unless updated to ON
So, knowing that, your rule becomes:

rule "Presence in Kitchen changed"
    Item KMotionPresence changed
        KMotionPresence_Timer.sendCommand(ON) //Start timer whenever presence changes in the Kitchen

rule "Kitchen Presence Timer expires"
    Item KMotionPresence_Timer changed to OFF
    if(KMotionPresence == OFF && LightRoofKitchen.state == ON) {
        logInfo("RULE", "Light switched OFF, because of no presence")
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The logic issue in the original rule posted is that while the “sleep” is running, additional triggers can take place.
Additional copies of your rule will start up, each coming to a sleep/wait. (This is a bad, resource-consuming idea as already pointed out).
As those sleeps run out, each rule will try to turn OFF the light based on what presence is now, and ignoring anything that happened in the meantime.

To fix the logic error, you need a way to reset, cancel, or restart the timing when something happens during the waiting time.
The expire method takes care of that for you.

There are other ways too, if you prefer not to create an additional Item.

Thanks a lot. This rule works great and I have learned something about the Thread:sleep function :slight_smile:

Coolio, glad to help
Can you mark the solution, please?

I try to adapt your code but when I define

Switch KMotionPresence_Timer { expire="1m, command=OFF }

like a item all crash.

The binding expire is install, I don’t understand.

You are missing a quote

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Yes my bad I see after.

Thx and sorry for post useless