January 24, 2020, 4:57pm
really big plans, I’m pretty sure that for this kind of behaviour you’ll need more inputs to do it properly.
But as a general idea it’s nice, yet very depending on actual implementation - as general solution does not really works everywhere.
Anyway that was just my feeling as someone who was solving similar thing last year and running on that solution whole 650m2 house.
This winter I can see major savings on running costs already so I’m quite happy with that
you are not wrong and that’s because everysingle house/usecase is very different. I’m almost certainly sure everybody who is on this forum tweaks everything for their needs anyway.
Finished my updated Heating setup which I’m happy about, so let’s share some ideas.
My setup has got main unit which is heating 2floors with approx 16 radiators or so. I’ve hooked Wemos D1 mini with relay shield and DHT22 with Tasmota onto it so I can control it via MQTT or OH or Tasmota itself.
I have set of thermometers in each room, bathroom, hall etc. and I do have set of measured rooms which then are used as actual temperature for Heating setup.
Obviously some rooms/halls are not include…
This is the heating tutorial (DESIGN PATTERN) which is a part of my tutorial list, I keep coming back to them, improving them add functionality to them etc, so if you like it then hit “like” it and you will get notified when changes occurs. I would like to thanks @rlkoshak and @ThomDietrich for the help with this one.
Change Log
Please keep in mind that the tutorial is not quite finished and a few details might be missing. I decided to post it rather sooner than later. Comments ar…
Hi all,
I’m sharing with you here my heating setup in the hopes that it can help someone (and to just show it off, too, I guess.
My house is quite typical of UK houses, where I have a boiler, and one or more radiators in each room. The boiler is on/off only, and has a single thermostat, usually located in the worst possible room in the house. You then end up with a single thermostat controlling the temperature of the whole house. I had basic thermostatic valves on each radiator, but the overal…
The days are getting shorter and the temperatures are slowly dropping. Summer is almost over on the northern hemisphere and with that many have to once again think about keeping their feet warm.
A normal person would turn a thermostat or crank up the fireplace - not the Home Automation Enthusiast!
A fully automated heating schedule system is one of the key components of every home automation setup. In this tutorial I’m going to guide you through one possible implementation of a heating…