Smarthings button control

I’m using XBee s2c as coordinator and smarthings Zigbee button. Every 10 seconds, The coordinator gets data from the button. The frame is added below

Explicit RX Indicator (API 2)

7E 00 1B 91 28 6D 97 00 01 04 2B 7D 5D A3 87 00 00 00 06 00 00 02 17 FD FF 04 01 01 19 00 00 31

Start delimiter: 7E
Length: 00 1B (27)
Frame type: 91 (Explicit RX Indicator)
64-bit source address: 28 6D 97 00 01 04 2B 7D
16-bit source address: A3 87
Source endpoint: 00
Destination endpoint: 00
Cluster ID: 00 06
Profile ID: 00 00
Receive options: 02
RF data: 17 FD FF 04 01 01 19 00 00
Checksum: 31

why I am getting this frame?

When button press I got a data frame that is different from the actual button press.

Explicit RX Indicator (API 2)

7E 00 19 91 28 6D 97 00 01 04 2B 7D 5D A3 87 01 E8 05 00 01 04 01 09 52 01 00 80 41 12 48

Start delimiter: 7E
Length: 00 19 (25)
Frame type: 91 (Explicit RX Indicator)
64-bit source address: 28 6D 97 00 01 04 2B 7D
16-bit source address: A3 87
Source endpoint: 01
Destination endpoint: E8
Cluster ID: 05 00
Profile ID: 01 04
Receive options: 01
RF data: 09 52 01 00 80 41 12
Checksum: 48

Why I am getting this frame?

I’m a bit unsure what you’re doing here. Is this frame coming into the ZigBee binding or are you writing your own binding?

If it’s the ZigBee binding then it should really decode all the data.

My intention is to bind smarthing’s Button to Xbee s2c coordinator.

Ok, if you’re not using the ZigBee binding already then it’s a bit difficult to help. I’m not really sure why you don’t use the ZigBee binding, but it’s up to you of course :wink: