Smarthome/J and Tuya App?

Bought some WiFi tuya plugs described as Tasmota compatible but they are not …

So I’m just reading about Smarthome/J looking for a possibility to get these switches somehow in a non-cloud mode.
Never used tuya before because I love the Tasmota GUI on each device and hate uncontrolled cloud usage

Will a timer set on these switches work without WLAN access, I guess not cause all setup requires the app using the cloud, what would mean nothing on the switch itself, right?

Can I use the app in parallel with Smarthome/J or are there any restrictions?
Means setting some timers on the devices but switching also via Smarthome/J.

As said never used such tuyas, when using these via Smarthome/J will I somehow get a kind of a GUI in openhab for setting e.g. timers or how does that look like?


It depends, most devices don’t allow more than one connection at the same time.

Definitely not out of the box. If the device supports timer channels, you need to use/build a widget to set rhem in openHAB.

Ok but what does mean using it at the same time? When I would use the Tuya app e g. Setting up some specific timers per switch and use openhab for switching off all e.g. at midnight, or use another Zwave switch for triggering all when pressing that switch.
Will that work or only when I left the app or won’t work at all?

You will need to close the app.