I asked for 6 months. I simply stated “control of a dehumidifier for testing”. I am not sure if someone actually read what I wrote, but who knows.
Thank you. Will try the same
hi There, is there a way to get ride of required user and password to the tuya app? if there is an access key to the project maybe it’s enough to controle the device. For now - if i change my password in the app the whole tuya account bridge is offline and i cant controle my devices. Maybe there is a way to use only api-key to do it ?
i think i am also using somwhere tuya-mqqt script which needs only the device keys to be discovered and then it’s working without user/pass to tuya app/cloud. Maybe this is a good way to handle existing devices even without login to tuya cloud
One more thing - i am getting
2025-02-05 20:16:50.988 [WARN ] [ding.tuya.internal.cloud.TuyaOpenAPI] - Server reported invalid token. This should never happen. Trying to re-login.
on one of my host, any clue what this is?
(every 25 minutes)
i am using this binding on 3 host (the same api cloud project/secter and the same user / password to tuya app).
According to the docs
“Please note that only one local connection is allowed per device. Using the app (or other tools like tuya-mqtt) and the binding in parallel is not supported by Tuya devices and will cause problems such as inability to discover the IP address and/or inability to control the devices. The other app (and/or tuya-mqtt) must be closed in order for this binding to operate properly.”
yes i know that limitiation but… in the tuya help / faq - there is a statment saying that max logins is 200. That’s why i decided to check if it’s really working. It seems yes but… on two host, on the third i have a problem.
Maybe we can deep dive into the logs to check if we can handle it somehow? it seems this is not a tuya limitation
in addition i can still operatore my devices from the bridge on the host where the error occures.
I managed to extend the IOT Core service as well for 6 month.
Anyway, it concerns me what happens after this trial period? Everybody using this binding is doing the same? (extending the trial period from time to time) This is how it should work?