Smartthings binding documrntation link broken

Wanting to install SmartThings binding , there is a broken lnk in the insruction page riquired to move forward. Any help would be appreciated.
BTW Have a safe and happy upcoming holidays

My understanding is that Samsung ended support for third party integration in the way that the OH add-on uses.

There really is no alternative I’m aware of. However, Smarthings tend to be Zwave or Zigbee so there should be native OH support for these.

I confirm, the current binding is unusable.
I’ve start writing a new one, but for now this is very basic advancement.
I hope to find time in the next few month to finish it.


Thank you for the help! You guys are great!


I’ve made great progress on the binding this last weekend.
I’m hopping to have first release preview available before the end of years holidays.
