Snapcast Binding

I can see if I can fix that, didn’t have time for a pull request yet, in the mean time I enabled the issue tracker on my repo Issues · esdeboer/openhab2-addons · GitHub

If you could post the log of the error here, or make an issue I can see if it is a quick fix

time has come - my openhab upgraded to 4.0 something. In fact the good 3.1 jar from above is loaded and active but it does not work: no server or clients are reachable. I would guess its caused by some interface changes? Is anyone able to upgrade this addon?

Anyone else with this Problem? I would step into the code but I could not get the java environment running - is there a openhab addon-development docker out there?

(as thread title is snapcast binding I continue this conversation)

Have been too busy, missed the 4.0 release, so I’m still on 3.
I’ll have a look, but probably will be end of September before I’ve time to fix it.

No docker addon-development container, and as you’ve noticed it’s quite complicated to setup the dev environment.

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Hi all, I am also in the process of moving to 4.0 and realized snapcast binding is not working. @esdeboer If there is anything I can do to fasciliate let me know.

Corubba found it was only a wrong version reference, and he provided a new version that should work with openHab 4:

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many thanks @esdeboer for sharing.
I downloaded, extracted to /usr/share/openhab/addons/, restarted but it is not showing up when I want to create a new thing from UI.
bundle:list says 4.0.2 is properly loaded.

 ID │ State  │ Lvl │ Version              │ Name
270 │ Active │  80 │ 4.0.2                │ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Snapcast Binding

Any ideas

Earlier there was a report that it wasn’t showing up under bindings, but did show up when adding a thing:

If that doesn’t work maybe @garglkarg can tell if he did something else, as it was working for him.

I can confirm, created things via file as explained by @LordTaifleh. Binding is now working.
Many thanks !

The reason it wasn’t showing up in the UI was a config file was changed in OH4, I’ve updated the snapcast binding, now it should also show up in the openHab UI.
