Snapshot image / video shown in iOS App but not in Browser


i got a problem with the snapshot image of my unifi protect cam.
When i open the iOS app (from local network or from WAN) i can see the image.
But when i open it on my browser (Safari) the image is not visible.
When i call the URL directly in the browser, i see the image, too.

Anyone an idea whats wrong?

Thanks in advance,

component: oh-image-card
  action: group
  actionGroupPopupItem: Unifi_TE_Cam01
  footer: '= "REC Mode: " + items.Unifi_TE_Cam01_RecordingMode.displayState'
  refreshInterval: 3000
  title: Cam Terrasse

I think, it needs to be

url: ""


url: =""

Thanks for your reply.
I tried both ways, but they didn’t make a change.
In the app its working fine, but in the browser it’s broken.

Then try to either load the GUI with http or change the image card url to https

Thanks for this idea!
I changed the URL from http to https, now the image is shown at the browser, but not at the iOS App… (ignoring SSL certs is already activated)
Any further ideas?

The easiest way is to use http for GUI and image url. Works for me on iOS and PC browser

When i use http, i can’t see it in the browser, again.
I am using a MacBook Pro M4 and the behavior does not relate to a specific browser (testet Safari, Firefox and Chrome)

Probably Macs are more strict when embedding different urls (see “CORS”). There are probably ways how to configure this which I am not aware of (I think there is a setting for jetty for this). Let’s wait for an expert. I am interested in the solution, too.