Solar Forecast PV

Hi @ollo ,

from your questions I assume we’re talking about different persistences. This change stores the raw forecast data in jsondb /var/lib/openhab/jsondb/solarforecast.json. This has nothing to do with item persistence. To make it more clear let’s check the use case openhab restart

Current released version

  1. Binding startup - 2 API calls to get solcast data
  2. TimeSeries items updated only with future forecast data
    a) In case of InMemory persistence past data is lost! Future data is updated
    b) In case of InfluxDB past & future is persitet in database

Marketplace version

  1. Binding startup - restore solcast data from jsondb = zero API calls!
  2. same behavior as before

What do you mean exactly with startup?
Do you really mean openhab restart or start of the day?
If you mean openhab restart it’s described as above - InMemory will loose all it’s past data competely. That’s more than a gap.
If you mean start of the day there will be no gaps at all.

Hi Bernd,

thanks for explaining. I was not aware about the possibility of storing data in jsondb. This certainly helps to regain current data.

With restart I indeed mean OH restart where all InMemory data is gone. If it can be restored from jsondb, great. What is the system was down for multiple days so the data stored in jsondb “expired”? I’m asking for a way to get the data for the full current day in case the is no data available locally.

BTW, historic data is persisted in rrjd4 in my case as all Items get persisted by default.

Let me try the Marketplace version and play with it.


In this case 2 API calls will be performed. This is the only scenario where I cannot “guess the actuals” This scenario only occurs if the system is down for more than 7 days.

There’s always the full day available. You can check this with the rule actions getForecastBegin and getForecastEnd. Note: It’s showing UTC date time, not your local date time. You can execute them via UI which is quite handy!

I would interpret the silence in this thread as “good news” and would prepare a pull request with these changes for the next release.

Happy with that?

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