[SOLVED] All items with tag are exposed to Google Assistant and Amazon Echo?

Dear all,

I use OH with bith Google Assistant and Amazon Echo (Alexa).

Now I am a bit confused regarding how to expose items to these services:

I understood that it is neccesary to use tags for Google Assistant and at least useful for Amazon Echo. So during my thing definitions, I assigned a tag to all items - just in case I want to use them with those services in the future.

On the other hand, the link between these services and my OH installation is the myOpenHAB cloud connector which allows me to choose which items I want to expose, right? But it doesn’t seem to be important which items I choose under Configuration->Services->IO->openHAB Cloud->Items to expose to apps such as IFTTT as all items are visible to both Google Assistant and Amazoin Echo. But I want only a few of them to be visible.

So what is the right way to decide which items I want to have visible for Google Assistant and Amazon Echo?
Thanks a lot!

Exposing items to the cloud is NOT necessary for using Alexa and Google. Only for apps such as IFTT.
Please remove the exposed items you don’t need as it adds loads to the servers.

Add or remove tags

Hi Tobias,

i think you mixed something.
The exposing for services like Google Assistant oder Amazon Echo is made in the items definition, not the things.
Have a look at the Homekit docs to see what can be exposed.
It has nothing to do with myopenhab because the exposing is done by the bindings.

I´m currently exposing temperatures from my Homematic thermostats and one switchable socket from Homematic.
It´s a personal choice which items you want to expose for Alexa/Google.
Just think about what information do you really need to get from asking the Assistant.

kind regards

@vzorglub Thank you. That clarifies it! I will remove the unneeded items from the cloud service!