(Solved) Apt-get upgrade and update, now MQTT binding does not work

OH2 and MQTT was working fine.
Did an apt-get update and apt-get upgrade, and found that openhab2 was not communicating with MQTT.
found that in mqtt-eventbus.cfg, the mosquitto entry was on another line, eg

# Name of the broker as it is defined in the openhab.cfg. If this property is not available, no event bus MQTT binding will be created.

So I fixed that up, and now was not getting any errors. But Openhab will still not communicate with mqtt / mosquitto.

mqtt.cfg :


home.items :

 Group All
Group gINSIDE           (All)
Group gOUTDOOR          (All)
Group gGARAGE           (All)

//GRP   GroupName               Description/Title       Icon            Where
Group   MasterBedroom           "Master Bedroom"        <bedroom>       (gINSIDE)
Group   Bedroom2                "Bedroom 2"             <bedroom>       (gINSIDE)
Group   MasterEnsuite           "Master Ensuite"        <bath>          (gINSIDE)
Group   Bathroom2               "Bathroom 2"            <bath>          (gINSIDE)
//Group Garage                  "Garage"                <garage>        (gGARAGE)

/* Lights */
Switch Light_MasterBedroom      "Downlighers"           (MasterBedroom,Lights)
Switch Light_Bedroom2           "Downlighers"           (Bedroom2,Lights)       {mqtt=">[mosquitto:/bedroom2/switch1:command:OFF:0],>[mosquitto:/bedroom2/switch1:comma
nd:ON:1],<[mosquitto:/bedroom2/switch1:state:MAP(onoff.map)]", autoupdate="false"}
Switch Light_MasterEnsuite      "Ceiling"                               (MasterEnsuite,Lights)
Switch Light_Bathroom2          "Ceiling"                               (Bathroom2,Lights)

/* Garage */
Number Temperature "Temperature [%.2f F]" <temperature> (Garage) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:/garage/temp1:state:default]"}
Number Humidity "Humidity: [%.2f]%" <humidity> (Garage) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:/garage/humid1:state:default]"}
Number LightLevel "Light: [%.2f]%" <light> (Garage) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:/garage/lightlevel1:state:default]"}

Switch  Garagedoor      "Garage Door"                   <garagedoor>    (gGARAGE)       {mqtt=">[mosquitto:/garagedoor/switch1:command:OFF:0],>[mosquitto:/garagedoor/s
witch1:command:ON:1],<[mosquitto:/garagedoor/reedswitch1:state:MAP(onoff.map)]", autoupdate="false"}

openhab.log grepped for mqtt

2017-02-25 20:42:45.692 [INFO ] [penhab.io.transport.mqtt.MqttService] - Stopping broker connection 'mosquitto'
2017-02-25 20:48:53.728 [ERROR] [org.apache.felix.configadmin        ] - Cannot use configuration org.openhab.mqtt for [org.openhab.io.transport.mqtt.MqttService, org.osgi.service.cm.ManagedService, id=295, bundle=191/mvn:org.openhab.io/org.openhab.io.transport.mqtt/1.10.0-SNAPSHOT]: No visibility to configuration bound to mvn:org.openhab.action/org.openhab.action.mqtt/1.10.0-SNAPSHOT

mosquitto log :

1488049161: Received PINGREQ from client-1c6adc
1488049161: Sending PINGRESP to client-1c6adc
1488049165: Received PUBLISH from client-garagedoor (d0, q0, r0, m0, '/garage/temp1', ... (3 bytes))
1488049165: Received PUBLISH from client-garagedoor (d0, q0, r0, m0, '/garage/humid1', ... (3 bytes))
1488049165: Received PUBLISH from client-garagedoor (d0, q0, r0, m0, '/garage/lightlevel1', ... (5 bytes))
1488049166: Received PINGREQ from client-garagedoor
1488049166: Sending PINGRESP to client-garagedoor
1488049176: Received PINGREQ from client-1c6adc
1488049176: Sending PINGRESP to client-1c6adc



I think this is the problem, but I do not know how to correct it

2017-02-25 20:48:53.728 [ERROR] [org.apache.felix.configadmin        ] - Cannot use configuration org.openhab.mqtt for [org.openhab.io.transport.mqtt.MqttService, org.osgi.service.cm.ManagedService, id=295, bundle=191/mvn:org.openhab.io/org.openhab.io.transport.mqtt/1.10.0-SNAPSHOT]: No visibility to configuration bound to mvn:org.openhab.action/org.openhab.action.mqtt/1.10.0-SNAPSHOT

I deleted /var/lib/openhab2/config/org/openhab/mqtt.config
I Uninstalled using PaperUI the MQTT Event, Bindings, Map Transform, and my Persist.
Shut down and restarted openhab.
Then reinstalled those things in PaperUI again,
and it is working again.