[SOLVED] Changed event on contact item not triggered

:thinking: Hmmm. How to explain ??

The image is a little bit small, but one can see the dropdown-Menu, as it’s made with the Print-Button of my Keyboard (my snipping-tool doesn’t catch the dropdown-menu).
So the question is, do you have the openHAB-Sign on the left Bar ?
And have you installed the openHAB-Extension ?

In fact this is always a good idea, but sometimes it doesn’t seem to work, as in this case

well, looks like a complex binding anyhow
CODEOWNERS folder shows
FStolte, gerrieg, and mdicke2s for homatic binding authors
most recent change was last month so it’s still alive

gerrieg is Gerhard Reigler last posted Mar 2 on this forum
mdicke2s is Michael Reitler
can’t find FStolte

pr on the documentation should be a tad easier lets hope

I hope too. But I think with VSCode and the automatic creation of items/channels from the thing, a lot is self-explained. :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:

BTW: FStolte is Florian Stolte (on Github) :wink:

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