[SOLVED] changedSince stopped working after changing wifi in my house (SOLUTION: pulsetime 20)

I have absolutely no idea, I know nothing about Tasmota. If you describe how you are using it, you might get better advice from other users. Are you reporting relay state as a simulation of gate open? Or you have a real gate-open detection?

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PulseTime on Tasmota firmware works in 0.1 seconds so my pulsetime 2 would never work precisely due to what you mentioned: mysql setup has a granularity of one second!

So after a lot of Googling and in HA forum, I found a guy mentioning it, tried to change my Sonoff SV modules to this setup and, at least so far, it seems to correctly register everything in mysql and therefore, it works flawlessly!

I associate this with the fact that I changed my wifi because temporarily I am using a worst setup and I notice communications are slower, because in the past this actually worked during months as I mentioned.

Well, thanks a lot once again, your help was great in tracking down the issue here and solving it. :slight_smile: