[SOLVED] Clock item


I am controlling my Boiler with sonoff device. I would like to have an item that will show the time the current boiling time (only when the switch is on). I assume I need to use DateTime item and update it. My question, how do I update the item?

  1. Create a periodic timer that will update the DateTime as long as the switch is on
  2. Use rule with cronjob to update the item while the switch is on.

Is there a simpler way to have this feature?


How long the switch has been on? Or when the switch is on, show the current time of day? Perhaps a graph that shows the ON/OFF state and corresponding time?

One way, as you mentioned, is use a rule that evaluates the switch state, if ON, then updates a DateTime proxy item.


How long the switch has been on since it was turned on. The UI shows that the boiler is on, I just want to be able to know how much time it is already on.

BTW, other option that I found is to use the expire binding.

That is another way and maybe the best. @vzorglub is replying,:smile: so I’ll step aside and take advantage of this learning opportunity.:wink:

I think that’s what the OP wants.

A DateTime item contains an absolute time. That’s not what you want.

Create a number item:

Number BoilerMinutes


rule "reset daily usage"
    Time cron "5 0 0 ? * * *" //5 seconds after midnight

rule "Increment BoilerMinute"
    Time cron "1 * * ? * * *" //Every minute 1 second After minute
    if (Boiler.state == ON) {
        BoilerMinute.postUpdate((BoilerMinute.state as Number) + 1)

Every minute the Boiler minute item will increase by one.
I configured the cron time just after the minutes and hours so as not to conflict with other system jobs.
The counter is reset after midnight.


@vzorglub (and @H102)

Thx for your help!!

@vzorglub, actually you answered other question I had. How to count the number of minutes the boiler is on in a day. Is this the way to go or if I use InfluxDB as persistence, there is other way to get this number?

What I am looking in this thread is to have the total heating time currently (from the time I turned on the boiler until I turned it off). I assume that for that purpose cronjob is not the optimal way, am I right?

I know that binding is not for that purpose, but it would be great if there was a binding that implement some basic patterns to simplify rules (as Expire did)

Ok then:

Create 2 items:

Number BoilerMinutes
Number DailyBoilerMinutes


rule "reset daily usage"
    Time cron "55 59 23 ? * * *" //5s BEFORE midnight
    DailyBoilerMinutes.persist("influxdb") // Persists the total daily value just BEFORE midnight
    BoilerMinutes.postUpdate(0) // Resets daily counter
    DailyBoilerMinutes.postUpdate(0) // Resets Total daily counter

rule "Increment BoilerMinute"
    Time cron "1 * * ? * * *" //Every minute 1 second After minute
    if (Boiler.state == ON) {
        BoilerMinute.postUpdate((BoilerMinute.state as Number) + 1)

rule "Stop counter"
    Item Boiler changed to OFF
    // Adds current counter to daily total
    DailyBoilerMinutes.postUpdate((DailyBoilerMinutes.state as Number) + (BoilerMinutes.state as Number))
    BoilerMinutes.postUpdate(0) // resets current counter
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In order to survive a item file update and/or a system start up you will need to set-up persistence with restore on start-up (I recommend mapdb)


Thx, yes I use mapdb as persistence for restoring item state.

Thx for your help. Cron job is good solution and this what I will use, but I somehow I fill that cron job i too much for this as 90% of the day the boiler is off so cron job is running without any need (this is why I’ve raised the question about binding for common patterns)

Don’t worry about that. It will take 10-20ms every minute to run that job.
If you have other things that need to run every minute, you can always put them in the same cron rule

Please mark the thread as solved