[SOLVED] Dry contact switch items in OH2

9:41:55 CMD: topic:stat/gate/switchmode1 payload:1
19:41:55 MQT: stat/gate/RESULT = {“SwitchMode1”:0}

nothing happened

topic:stat/gate/switchmode1 payload:1

19:45:58 CMD: topic:stat/gate/switchmode1
19:45:58 MQT: stat/gate/RESULT = {“SwitchMode1”:0}


Sent you a PM

Ok now connect and disconnect between gnd and GPIO2

20:10:44 MQT: cmnd/gate/POWER1 = ON
20:10:44 MQT: stat/gate/RESULT = {“POWER1”:“ON”}
20:10:45 MQT: stat/gate/POWER1 = ON
20:10:46 MQT: stat/gate/RESULT = {“POWER1”:“OFF”}
20:10:46 MQT: stat/gate/POWER1 = OFF
20:10:48 CMD: stat/gate/switchmode1
20:10:48 MQT: stat/gate/RESULT = {“SwitchMode1”:1}

Just did it a few times for you to see the console messages… the relay switches on/off

I think the GPIO2 is fried :sob:

Before we do anything else, you need to find out what is at the end of these wires…

Fried why? its triggering something when its connected. I dont think it is. Its connected to a relay inside the motor that is triggered when the gate/opens and closes

GPIO1 and 3 are not exposed on the board and that would need fiddly soldering

firmware issue?

No. The voltage from the gate short circuited the GPIO and the gate thinks it a command. The way tasmotta is set-up now, when connecting gnd to GPIO2 we should get a message. And we don’t. that means the IC can’t read the GPIO. Hence fried.

The gate guy says theres no voltage , its a dry contact. Ill call him tomorrow and ask again.

When connecting the wire from the gate to the sonoff, nothing should have happened if is was just connected to a open/closed switch to detect if the gate is opened or closed.

If GPIO2 is set to Switch1 and then i Ground GPIO2 then it opens the Door fully. Thats the same function as Button 1.

I dont think its dead at all. Not that i know anything

It’s the same function as button 1. That’s the problem, it shouldn’t do that. It should only be a read of a switch and not send any command or trigger anything on the gate.

If its the same function and you ground it, and it triggers the gate, that seems normal to me? :frowning:

Fair enough. Ill take your word. Ill call the Gate company again tomorrow to get more detail of what they do.

On the gate system, there should be an “end of travel” switch or something like that. This will detect if the gate is physically closed. We need 2 wires, directly from that switch to the sonoff. BUT, if there is any voltage between the two wires, then we have a problem. It’s easily solved. You will need the 2 wires from the switch to a relay, compatible with the voltage used and then wire the output of the relay to your sonoff. The relay will be electrically isolated from the gate and act as a switch/contact which the sonoff/tasmota will be able to read.

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