[SOLVED] Enabling and disabling Things from for example Basic UI

It will be also ok to make it with rules. I have found the method that i need in RestApi Docs.
There is CURL request.

curl -X PUT --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/json" -d "{}" "http://openhabianpi:8080/rest/things/network%3Apingdevice%3A15e46ce9/enable"

But only one way to implement RestApi in rules that i have found is this Curl and executeCommandLine - #6 by pahansen with bash script.

Is there realy no direct way to use rest api from rules?

As i underdtand right, in Paprr UI it works throught the http link when i click on it. It would be simpler solution, but i can not get this http link from source code.
Anyone know how to get it?
