[SOLVED] Frames folding/unfolding [not possible]

Hi there,

Is there any way to unfold a Frame by cliking on it? Or Only this works with “visibility” function?

Thank you.

Do you mean frame at sitemap.
Please post the code.


When you have Frames in Sitemap, the idea is to unfold it, by clikcing on the Title. I know that you may get same result with visibility creating another switch to controll it but, is there other function to unfold a Frame?

sitemap home label="Home"

Frame label="Presence"

	Switch item=Iphone_Sw icon="presence" valuecolor=[Iphone_Sw==Uninitialized="lightgray", ==ON="green", ==OFF="red"]
	Text item=sonoff09temp
	Text item=sonoff09hum


Frame label="Hall"
        Switch item=sonoffD2_1 icon="heating"
	Switch item=sonoffsv1 icon="frontdoor" mappings=[ON="ABRIR"]
        Switch item=sonoffD2_2 icon="heating" 
        Switch item=sonoff01 icon="door" mappings=[OFF="CERRADA", ON="ABIERTA"]
	Switch item=sonoff03 
	Switch item=sonoff04


I dont understand why do you ask for unfold, it’s unfolded.
This frame can’t be folded.

Easy, If you click on the Frame Title you could fold/unfold it. But it seems it is not possible, so I have to works with visibility with the a switch and the whole Frame.

Thank you.

Actually, it is possible with a little scripting, see

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