[SOLVED] Fresh install of openHAB2 via repository does not work (Linux)

i was going to attempt going through my terminal log and executing everything one by one to see which part of the openhabian config fixes the issue. since i ran everything at once trying to get it to work, im not sure which part of the script got it running.

Youcan delete the addons and OH is still broken until uninstalled & reinstalled.
Upgrading from M1 -> M2 -> M3 works OK. Apparently just fresh installs are broken.

i did note that (remains broken, well that the openhabian config needs to run before addons are installed). what im referring to specifically is between installing openhab and the addons package i ran several of the openhabian config menu options and then installed the addons package. one or a combination of operations it performs fixes the issue.

i guess to clarify further if we identify which part of the openhabian config prevents the addons package from breaking openhab, it may be easier to identify what the addons package is breaking in openhab

That may help narrow down “what” broke.
I have been focusing on “when” things broke to try and narrow down the scope.

ah got it. that makes sense

Snapshots from that time have been removed from Jenkins and from the testing repo.
I cannot narrow down “when” any closer.than beterrn M1 & M2, a period of almost 7 months :frowning:

I just tried a bunch of openHABian selections and could not repair my test installation. i wonder if the addons work with Debian Stretch.
Debian Buster was released after M2. I would have expected most all installation possibilities were tested when the build system was changed.

did you purge? remove wont fix the install. my pi is on buster so i dont think its that

this is exactly what i did to get it to work. commands i ran are the bottom of the post

There looks to be some commands there I did not try.
I am currently working on testing M2 with Stretch.

Thanks. @k3mist I have a question for you. When you originally installed OH, what was your OH username?

Your process appears to work but I am investigating a few theories to help narrow down the issue

the defaults for everything. pi setup, hab install, etc. im still in the discovery phase so i did not change any configurations. that was actually one thing i was curious about because my hab install did not require me to authenticate

So you used the user pi then?
I wondered if that is key. More testing needed.

yes, linux user is pi

edit; and hab is running under the openhab user that was created

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Issue filed. Your solution only allows the initial dashboard to run for about a minute according to my testing.

hmm. possible we did something different. you’re referring to the welcome dashboard? its been running for a few days now. i’ve been controlling my nanoleaf with the install since yesterday.

I am referring to the initial dashboard where you select the package. If you have the addons installed locally it either does not show or only works for about a minute.

ah ok. so i made it past that before it stopped i guess?

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This is my first post, even though I already have a working 2.4 for evaluation, as I am aboutto switch domotica software. However upgrading to 2.5, gave me also the [OH upgrade 2.4 - 2.5 (HANDLER_MISSING_ERROR)] which after cleaning the addons.config still did not resolve anything.

As such decided a fresh install for 2.5:
debian 10.2
zulu jdk

same eror as described in the opening post.
By not installing the addons, the issue was resolved.


The addons are not needed if your system can update over the Internet.

Apparently this was a known issue since shortly after Milestone 2 was released last August. I am in private discussions with Kai but apparently nobody looked at the GitHub issue seriously before the stable release.:cold_sweat::sob::angry:

Here is the official workaround. There will be no solution for 2.5. Please mark this as the proper solution for this thread. The previous solution only worked for about a minute in my testing.

OK, the Issue has been closed with an undocumented workaround. It will not be fixed in 2.5 because only patch releases updating addons are planned. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

This workaround should work for both package and manual installations.

Install both openhab2 and openhab2-addons

  1. Start openhab2
  2. Wait 2 minutes
  3. openhab-cli console password habopen
  4. run bundle:list until all bundles show as Active . (not sure if this is needed)
  5. If you run feature:lust | grep dashboard you will see the dashboard has been uninstalled.
  6. Run feature:install openhab-ui-dashboard
  7. feature:list | grep dashboard now shows the dashboard as installed.
  8. Type logout to exit the console.

The openhab2.log will not show the dash board as started on both ports.
The Web UI will now function as expected.

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