[SOLVED] Habpanel grafana iframe not reloading Solved. see comments

I am using grafana on habpanel and i have it successfuly loading a graph.
But, when i click refresh i get a red triangle and it says invalid duration.

My iframe consists of this

<iframe src="http://mynetworkip:3000/d-solo/wb2uxqmRz/my-dashboard?orgId=1&from=now-24h&to=now/d&panelId=8" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe>

At first load it looks like this

when i click refresh i get this

if i double click on the graph, it zooms out and loads correctly , but its too far zoomed out.

if i open the URL in chrome without going through habpanel. it works fine with no issues. even after a reboot.

Is this a bug.

I have solved this. but i thought i would keep this in here for others if they have the same issue.
Seems to be a bug. not sure.

But if you use Embed and object like this, put your URL in there instead of using iframe. it works and refreshes straight away.

<object data="YourURLHere" width="600" height="400">
    Error: Embedded data could not be displayed.


I created an account to give thanks to Christopher Hemmings for his brilliant post to use <object instead of <iframe to resolve his problem, my issue was similar but with another application, so thanks Christopher and and thanks to the OpenHab board.