[SOLVED] HMS - Bindings

Hello, I want to make use of the linked hms binding - but I don’t know how to install it. It does not appear in Paper UI.

Do I have to build the oh1 jar and install it manually? Or does oh2 hms support without installing anything?

kind regards,

Deleted wrong Statement!

As pointed out by @Dim:

I just checked: It doesn’t appear

Some legacy bindings were not added by default to the OH2 distribution (for example: MongoDB persistence)

It seems that this HMS is one of them also

To be added, someone has to create a PR to add it to the official distro
Ref: https://www.openhab.org/docs/developer/development/compatibilitylayer.html#how-to-add-a-successfully-tested-1-x-add-on-to-the-distribution

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additional comment:
The current situation is a bit misleading for the new users:

While the binding appears on the docs: https://www.openhab.org/addons/bindings/hms1/
… it was never added to the 2.x distro.
This is true for some old 1.x bindings that not many people use. This HMS binding has not been updated for the past 3 years now :slight_smile:

@studententyp You can always add it manually in your addons folder. Make sure that you have openhab-runtime-compat1x installed.
Follow: https://www.openhab.org/docs/developer/development/compatibilitylayer.html#how-to-use-openhab-1-x-add-ons-that-are-not-part-of-the-distribution

Hi, thank you for your quick response!

I’m using the docker-image of oh2 and already using another oh1 binding successfully (fs20, but that one is included in the distro) - so I think runtime-compat1x is installed?

I gonna try to add hms manually first.

As you pointed out, its really confusing for new users (which maybe comes from fhem and uses such old devices) - a quick hint if a oh1-binding is included in the oh2 distro or not on the doc pages would have saved me some time :slight_smile:

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yes, it is (since you are already using another 1.x binding)

:+1: I will try to do this (if I find some free time :slight_smile:)

By the way: If it works ok, report back so we can try to add it to the 2.x distro

I will! thank you @Dim and @opus

maybe a stupid question: where do I find the .jar file for an oh1 addon? Or do I have build it on my own?

EDIT: I built it on my own. It seems recognizing my hms.cfg and shows up in bundle:list, but I didnt get any data of my devices yet. But I think thats another problem… I will provide more feedback later

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@studententyp If you still need the jar file you can find it here.


But it does work with my self-build one.


The Plugin works fine for me!