[SOLVED] Hue Binding Problems with Deconz 2.5M1


I´ve trouble to get the HUE Binding to work with my Phoscon Conbee II.

I tried to define the devices in a thing-File and items-File. Examples listed below.

This does not seem to work at all. I can not control the devices.
Then I added the things via the inbox and now I can control them.
But the devices are still in the Inbox. It seems I need another thing definition, so that the devices are not identically identified via thing file and inbox logic.

Any ideas?
Is this a bug in OpenHab 2.5 M1?



huebridge.things File:

    Bridge hue:bridge:00212E03D4AC  [ ipAddress="", userName="D7E89CCBD6" ] 
         // OSRAM Plug

         0000 1  "Kitchen_Plug_Sonos_01"  [ lightId="1" ] 
         0000 2  "Kitchen_Plug_Sonos_01"  [ lightId="2" ] 
         0000 5  "Bath_Plug_Sonos_01"     [ lightId="5" ] 
         // Philips Lamps

         //0102 3  "Hallway_Lamp_01"          [ lightId="3" ] 
         //0110 4  "Kitchen_Light_Corner_01"  [ lightId="4" ] 

Deconz.items File:

Switch   BathPlugSonos01Switch   "Bad Sonos"      <poweroutlet> (GF_Kitchen, gPower) ["Switch", "Switchable"] {channel="hue:0000:00212E03D4AC:5:switch"}
String   BathPlugSonos01Alert    "Alert"    {channel="hue:0000:00212E03D4AC:5:alert"}

Hi Stefan,

Is 0000 the correct thing type for plugs? I use 0010 for all of them and they are working nicely.

Thanks. That solved the issue.

Sounds good. You are welcome.