[SOLVED] ISM8-Binding not working anymore after Updgrade to 4.2.2

i have a problem with the ISM8 binding since upgrading Openhab to version 4.2.2.
I see the following warnings at the log and the things don’t update anymore:

2024-11-13 18:31:20.679 [WARN ] [ab.binding.ism8.internal.Ism8Handler] - Ism8: ID couldn't be converted correctly. Check the configuration of channel Kesseltemperatur. Cfg=Configuration[{key=type; type=String; value=9.001}, {key=id; type=BigDecimal; value=4.0}] 2024-11-13 18:31:20.680 [WARN ] [ab.binding.ism8.internal.Ism8Handler] - Ism8: Channel=Configuration[{key=type; type=String; value=9.001}, {key=id; type=BigDecimal; value=4.0}] failed to register datapoint 2024-11-13 18:31:20.680 [WARN ] [ab.binding.ism8.internal.Ism8Handler] - Ism8: ID couldn't be converted correctly. Check the configuration of channel Anlagendruck. Cfg=Configuration[{key=type; type=String; value=9.006}, {key=id; type=BigDecimal; value=13.0}] 2024-11-13 18:31:20.680 [WARN ] [ab.binding.ism8.internal.Ism8Handler] - Ism8: Channel=Configuration[{key=type; type=String; value=9.006}, {key=id; type=BigDecimal; value=13.0}] failed to register datapoint 2024-11-13 18:31:20.680 [WARN ] [ab.binding.ism8.internal.Ism8Handler] - Ism8: ID couldn't be converted correctly. Check the configuration of channel Temperatur Solarthermiekollektor. Cfg=Configuration[{key=type; type=String; value=9.001}, {key=id; type=BigDecimal; value=137.0}] 2024-11-13 18:31:20.680 [WARN ] [ab.binding.ism8.internal.Ism8Handler] - Ism8: Channel=Configuration[{key=type; type=String; value=9.001}, {key=id; type=BigDecimal; value=137.0}] failed to register datapoint 2024-11-13 18:31:20.680 [WARN ] [ab.binding.ism8.internal.Ism8Handler] - Ism8: ID couldn't be converted correctly. Check the configuration of channel Ausentemperatur. Cfg=Configuration[{key=type; type=String; value=9.001}, {key=id; type=BigDecimal; value=8.0}] 2024-11-13 18:31:20.680 [WARN ] [ab.binding.ism8.internal.Ism8Handler] - Ism8: Channel=Configuration[{key=type; type=String; value=9.001}, {key=id; type=BigDecimal; value=8.0}] failed to register datapoint 2024-11-13 18:31:20.680 [WARN ] [ab.binding.ism8.internal.Ism8Handler] - Ism8: ID couldn't be converted correctly. Check the configuration of channel Störung. Cfg=Configuration[{key=type; type=String; value=20.105}, {key=id; type=BigDecimal; value=1.0}]

Within ISM8 Thing the configuration is displayed only within the code Tab:

UID: ism8:device:3920d871fe
label: Heizung ISM8i
thingTypeUID: ism8:device
  portNumber: 12004
location: Basement
  - id: ism8_kesseltemperatur
    channelTypeUID: ism8:number-readonly
    label: Kesseltemperatur
    description: ""
      type: "9.001"
      id: 4
  - id: ism8_anlagendruck
    channelTypeUID: ism8:number-readonly
    label: Anlagendruck
    description: ""
      type: "9.006"
      id: 13
  - id: ism8_temperatur_solarkollektor
    channelTypeUID: ism8:number-readonly
    label: Temperatur Solarthermiekollektor
    description: ""
      type: "9.001"
      id: 137
  - id: ism8_aussentemperatur
    channelTypeUID: ism8:number-readonly
    label: Ausentemperatur
    description: ""
      type: "9.001"
      id: 8
  - id: ism8_stoerung
    channelTypeUID: ism8:number-readonly
    label: Störung
    description: ""
      type: "20.105"
      id: 1
  - id: ism8_brennerleistung
    channelTypeUID: ism8:number-readonly
    label: Brennerleistung
    description: ""
      type: "5.001"
      id: 3
  - id: ism8_warmwassertemperatur
    channelTypeUID: ism8:number-readonly
    label: Warmwassertemperatur
    description: ""
      type: "9.001"
      id: 7
  - id: ism8_heizkreispumpe
    channelTypeUID: ism8:switch-readonly
    label: Heizkreispumpe
    description: ""
      type: "1.001"
      id: 10
  - id: ism8_speicherladepumpe
    channelTypeUID: ism8:switch-readonly
    label: Speicherladepumpe
    description: ""
      type: "1.001"
      id: 11
  - id: ism8_ruecklauftemperatur
    channelTypeUID: ism8:number-readonly
    label: Rüclauftemperatur
    description: ""
      type: "9.001"
      id: 6
  - id: ism8_betriebsart
    channelTypeUID: ism8:number-readonly
    label: Betriebsart
    description: ""
      type: "20.105"
      id: 2
  - id: ism8_solar_durchfluss
    channelTypeUID: ism8:number-readonly
    label: Solar Durchfluss
    description: ""
      type: "13.002"
      id: 147
  - id: ism8_programm_heizkreis
    channelTypeUID: ism8:number
    label: Programm Heizkreis
    description: ""
      type: "20.102"
      id: 57
  - id: ism8_solar_Eingang_temperatur
    channelTypeUID: ism8:number-readonly
    label: Solar Temperatur Eingang
    description: ""
      type: "9.001"
      id: 138
  - id: ism8_warmwasserladung
    channelTypeUID: ism8:switch-readonly
    label: 1x Warmwasser
    description: ""
      type: "1.001"
      id: 194
  - id: ism8_Warmwassertemperatur_Solar_1
    channelTypeUID: ism8:number-readonly
    label: Warmwassertemperatur Solar 1
    description: ""
      type: "9.001"
      id: 136
  - id: ism8_solar_e1_durchfluss
    channelTypeUID: ism8:number-readonly
    label: Solar Durchfluss (E1)
    description: ""
      type: "13.002"
      id: 139
  - id: ism8_Status_Solarkreispumpe
    channelTypeUID: ism8:switch-readonly
    label: Status Solarkreispumpe SKP1
    description: ""
      type: "1.001"
      id: 141
  - id: ism8i_Sammlertemperatur
    channelTypeUID: ism8:number-readonly
    label: Sammlertemperatur
    description: ""
      type: "9.001"
      id: 5
  - id: ismi8_status_dreiwegeventil
    channelTypeUID: ism8:switch-readonly
    label: Status 3-Wege-Umschaltventil
    description: ""
      type: "1.009"
      id: 51
  - id: ism8i_stoerung_systembedienmodul
    channelTypeUID: ism8:switch-readonly
    label: Störung BM-2
    description: ""
      type: "1.001"
      id: 53
  - id: ism8i_Warmwassersolltemperatur
    channelTypeUID: ism8:number
    label: Warmwassersolltemperartur
    description: ""
      type: "9.001"
      id: 56
  - id: ism8i_programm_warmwasser
    channelTypeUID: ism8:number
    label: Programmwahl Warmwasser
    description: ""
      type: "20.103"
      id: 58
  - id: ism8i_Sollwertkorrektur
    channelTypeUID: ism8:number-readonly
    label: Sollwertkorrektur
    description: ""
      type: "9.002"
      id: 65
  - id: ism8i_stoerung_solarmodul
    channelTypeUID: ism8:switch-readonly
    label: Status Solarmodul
    description: ""
      type: "1.001"
      id: 135

I tried till now:

  • restarted OpenHab
  • cleared OH cache and restarted OpenHab
  • stopped ISM8-Item, waited some seconds and started Item again

The mentioned warnings show up after restarting the Item.

There was no change in configuration around OH (ISM8, Network, etc.).

Anyone an idea where to start analyzing / debugging ?



From which version did you upgrade ?
For 4.2.0 there was a warning:

ISM8 Binding: Most channels have changed and are now using Units of Measurements. Items must be adapted and the things must be recreated.

Thank a lot! That did the trick. Didn’t see this before. I have updated from 4.1 to 4.2.2.
Strange that it worked before.

Dear all,

not exactly the same problem but after the upgrade I applied the fix and everything seems to work. But after a while I had to detect that I can perfect read the values from the ISM8, but I can’t send any values to my heating system (mainly the heating modus). The ISM8 ignores the values. On the opposite also if I change the modus directly on my heating system the value is not shown on openhab. Does anybody know how to fix it?

I used 1:1 the example from the binding manual for my configration.

Thank you!