[SOLVED] Item reacts to group, but group not to icon (HABPanel)

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware: Raspberry PI 3B
    • OS: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) /
    • Java Runtime Environment: 1.8.0_222
    • openHAB version: 2.4.0-1
  • Issue of the topic:

As you can see I’ve create a group switch (Livingroom_LIghts), and a MQTT switch (SmartSwitch01_Relay_State that is linked to the group switch. If I press the Group switch, both switches do visualize the “ON/OFF” state in my HAB panel, but if I press the MQTT switch, the group switch doesn’t switch.
What I like to achieve is, that I can switch of individual lights and switch all off with one button. Is this possible?

Group House “Haus”
Group:Switch:OR(ON,OFF) Livingroom_Lights “Wohnzimmer” (House)
Switch SmartSwitch01_Relay_State “Relay Status” (House, Livingroom_Lights) { channel=“mqtt:topic:pibroker:smartSwitch01:relayState” }

Thing topic smartSwitch01 “Weihnachtsbaum” @ “Living Room” {
Type switch : relayState “Schalter [MAP(switch.map):%s]” [ stateTopic=“SmartSwitch01/Relay/State”, commandTopic=“SmartSwitch01” ]

Might be related to Group switch not updating

You created an OR group, switching one of the group items will only switch the groups state if the switched item was ON and is now switched OFF!

Thanks for your hint. Not sure why, but now it’s working. Haven’t changed anything.

@opus: That doesn’t makes sense for me. The definition of the OR-function for groups is

OR operation. If at least one item state is of ‘value1’, ‘value1’ is returned, otherwise ‘value2’ is returned.

So, if any (one or more) of the elements in the group is set to “ON”, the group item switches to “OFF”. So by switching the group item to “OFF”, no group member can be set to “ON” anymore

Ups, the sentence should have looked like that:

You created an OR group, switching one of the group items will only switch the groups state if the switched item was the only one in state ON and is now switched OFF

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That makes sense :slight_smile: