[Solved] Jsondb Manual Config Item-Things/Channel Links

I’m rebuilding my installation. I readded all the things through PaperUI from my Zwave stick and tried to copy over my org.eclipse.smarthome.core.items.Item.json and org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.link.ItemChannelLink.json files but when I restarted my system the channels aren’t linked to the items. Not a huge deal to manually relink everything but I thought the jsondb’s eliminated that need?

I guess you forgot to copy

No, that file is suspect so I readded all the things manually through the PaperUI. I don’t see the linkages inside of that file. From my inspection, that’s what I thought the org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.link.ItemChannelLink.json file was for?

I did not have a deeper look into those files yet, so I can’t tell …
… but in my case it has the biggest filesize and I guess it’s important (290KB instead of 1-4KB for the others).

I see the issue, it’s in the device id. When I readded the Things it created a new unique device id for the Zwave stick which is part of each node identifier. A search/replace should have fixed it but now I have duplicates since I manually relinked each one…
