[SOLVED] Link to Zwave binding SNAPSHOT 2.5

Here is where you can find the most recent snapshot build of the ZWave Binding. You can also find the most recent snapshot builds of other bundles by following the links here.

You should first remove the existing ZWave binding, either via the PaperUI if you haven’t added it in $USER_CONFIG/services/addons.cfg, or via the karaf console if it is listed in addons.cfg with:

bundle:uninstall org.openhab.binding.zwave

Exit the karaf console and stop openHAB, then:

  1. Copy the latest build of the ZWave Binding jar you downloaded from the link I provided to $OPENHAB_HOME/addons/
  2. Clear tmp & cache:
    rm -rf $OPENHAB_USERDATA/{cache,tmp}/*
  3. Restart openHAB

There is no need to exclude and rediscover your ZWave devices after you have installed the latest snapshot build of ZWave Binding because you are running the OH 2.4.0 release.