[SOLVED] Little help with this script // show string in sitemap

Hi there,

my question is simple.

I have this item:

String _name "Nombre Stage"


Text item=_name

and this sentence in one rule, and I would like to save the string in the item _name:

rule "Name"
when Item name_01 changed to ON
var String _name = "string text..."
logInfo("ExecTest", _name)  // Here I check that the String show up properly in Log.

I have saved the ip in the sring _name, but I do not know how to show it in sitemap.

String _name "Nombre Stage[%s]"
rule "Name"
    Item name_01 changed to ON
    val x = "string text..."
    logInfo("ExecTest", x)  // Here I check that the String show up properly in Log.
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Thank youu :smile:

That won’t work because _name is a string not an item.
If the variable contains an item’s name then you can use the postUpdate action:

postUpdate(_name, x)

The postUpdate action takes strings as arguments
See: Rules | openHAB

Sorry, but there you are wrong. It works. Test it, if you don’t believe.

For me is working.

Well, thanks guys, that’s new to me.


I know that, it say that : “Rules are often used to manipulate the state of an Item”
An Item, not a String

@vzorglub It’s a item with the type string!

Yes, I read it wrong I saw it as one file and missed that there was no var