In terms of having the position and blade in one group endpoint, you can’t have two items part of that group as PercentageController interface. Only one of them will be linked. For your use-case, you should use the RangeController interface but keep in mind that this capability is only available in the US.
Group GroupEgBueroRaffstoreS "Raffstore Büro Süd" { alexa="Endpoint.Other" }
Rollershutter EgBueroRaffstoreS "Raffstore Büro Süd Position" <blinds> (GroupEgBuero, GroupAutoShadingSouth, GroupEgBueroRaffstoreS) { channel="knx:device:router:knx09:d0", alexa="RangeController.rangeValue" [friendlyNames="Position",supportedRange="0:100:1"] }
Dimmer EgBueroRaffstoreSLam "Raffstore Büro Süd Lamellen" <blinds> (GroupEgBuero, GroupEgBueroRaffstoreS) { channel="knx:device:router:knx09:d1", alexa="RangeController.rangeValue" [friendlyNames="Lamellen",supportedRange="0:100:1"] }
which can be simplified as:
Group GroupEgBueroRaffstoreS "Raffstore Büro Süd" { alexa="Endpoint.Other" }
Rollershutter EgBueroRaffstoreS "Position" <blinds> (GroupEgBuero, GroupAutoShadingSouth, GroupEgBueroRaffstoreS) { channel="knx:device:router:knx09:d0", alexa="RangeController.rangeValue" }
Dimmer EgBueroRaffstoreSLam "Lamellen" <blinds> (GroupEgBuero, GroupEgBueroRaffstoreS) { channel="knx:device:router:knx09:d1", alexa="RangeController.rangeValue" }
Another way would be not to use a group endpoint and have each function as separate device. Then, you can use Alexa routines to open/close blinds, for example, by setting the percent level. You can set these via the mobile app.
Alexa, open blinds => Set blinds to 0%
Alexa, close blinds => Set blinds to 100%
Unfortunately, Amazon didn’t provide an Alexa-specific controllers for shades/binds as of yet. So make sure to vote for the blinds integration feature request on the Alexa user voice website.