[SOLVED] PaperUI gone after clearing cache

Does this reinstall removes any config files? Like jsondb, etc? Or can I run it safely, because it will just remove the binaries and others related to openhab?

I would first try to reinstall only PaperUI: remove it from your addons.cfg, wait until it gets uninstalled, put it back in.

Thanks, I’ll try!

You may also want to take a look at this issue:

I just cleared the cache again, it is back again…

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Same here. Updated to#1600 and the stacktrace is still shown. I don’t know exactly since which version the error occurred, but i’m pretty sure it has occured the last 10 snapshots. But except that the stack trace is displayed, there are no problems. All UIs running fine (Basic, Classic, Paper, Habmin, Habpanel, Rest).