[Solved] Postponed rule execution? Do rules get put on stack?

Yes. But only if you write your rules in a way that supports that. Long running rules do not allow that.

To avoid long running rules, you must use timers instead of sleeps.

I don’t know how to answer that. It runs one second from now (based on your example). Exactly what runs depends on what code you put between the . If you want to log out “hello world” one second from now:…

createTimer(now.plusSeconds(1), [|
    logInfo("test", "hello world")

The stuff between [ and | is how you world pass arguments to the that little block of code, which you don’t have to do for timers so you will usually either see the | omitted or nothing between the [ and |. To see an example when full explanation where stuffy is put been the [ and| see Reusable Functions: A simple lambda example with copious notes.

tl:dr, because the underlying programming language offers it. There is no way to hide that it exists not any way to prevent it’s use. And in certain circumstances, it can be useful, so long as the sleeps are short (fractions of a second).

You can find lots of stuff on this forum that either were never right, never a good idea, or is no longer the best way. It’s hard enough keeping up with the docs let alone going around and cleaning up everyone’s forum postings. Pay attention to the age of the post. If it’s more than a year old, look for more recent examples of you can. There might be a better way.