It fixes the endless builds for me and I hope they are reviewed/merged soon!
To fix the endless build (once they are merged), make sure you update/rebase your repos/branches to include these changes or close projects from the repos you don’t use. Then make sure the reactor (root) project of these repos are build, either by rebuilding everything ( mvn clean install ) or a quick non-recursive build at the repo root ( mvn clean install -N ).
Usually Eclipse will pick up these changes and prompt you to update the Maven project configuration. If it does not you can right click on a project and force it to update the projects:
It will still take a while to build everything, but at least it should finish building!
I launched the demo app to debug some bindings (Harmony Hub, LIFX, Nest, Plugwise) last week and it worked for me. For the Harmony Hub Binding to work I had to manually add its dependency to the index as workaround (see earlier post). We do need a proper fix for that so it works out of the box.
It works for me on Ubuntu 18.04.2. But I do always give my Eclipse 4GB of memory instead of 2GB in eclipse.ini (-Xmx4096m) since I have plenty of RAM.
It should also work when you close all core/webui projects in your workspace until those PRs are merged. You can also apply the same changes of my PRs to your repo checkouts. It’s only a few lines.
I’m able to compile and run plugins that don’t have any external dependencies like the astro binding. However, when I try to build e.g. the airvisualnode binding (the first I found with an external dep) I get the following errors after “Resolve”:
Resolution failed. Capabilities satisfying the following requirements could not be found:
⇒ osgi.identity: (osgi.identity=org.openhab.binding.airvisualnode)
⇒ [org.openhab.binding.airvisualnode version=]
⇒ osgi.wiring.package: (&(osgi.wiring.package=jcifs.netbios))
I then followed the post from @wborn and added the following dependency (copied from the airvisualnode pom.xml) to the openhab2-addons\bom\runtime-index\pom.xml:
I retested it and got that binding working by adding that dependency instead to bom/openhab-addons/pom.xml . Then run mvn clean install on that BOM project and using the “Resolve” button should work. So I must have mistaken that BOM for another one just before I finished my day. I hope that works, then I’ll update my previous post!
@wborn Is the infinity build now be resolved by the changes applied two days before?
About the missing 3rd party libs used by addons:
Are all 3rd party libs already OSGi ones?
Are all 3rd party libs already present in the openHAB or another Maven repository?
If the chosen scope of the 3rd party libraries is compile they should be present at compile and runtime and so will be present in the created index used by the Bnd resolver.
If you would like to ensure that different addons are using the same coordinates for compile and runtime dependencies you could use a compile BOM and a runtime BOM for the addons itself.
@David_Graeff I don’t want to step into the discussion if the BOM can be avoided and if it would make more sense to version every addon separately etc. I assume I share some of your ideas but I don’t think it is helpful for anyone if we mix all different topics here.
All PRs have been merged now. So the infinite build loop should be resolved when you update your repository clones to the latest master, build the reactor POMs and update the Maven projects in your Eclipse workspace.
The plan is that all dependencies will be available in Maven repositories as OSGi bundles. @J-N-K is creating proper bundles from JARs in this bnd branch, see also PR #5503.
Changing the scope of the add-on dependencies from provided to compile indeed also fixes the resolution issue. It’s probably the easiest way to manage these because it doesn’t result in a lot of duplication. Do you know if it might cause any further issues?
Just to note that I never run into the problem.
So my question has been more about “should it be solved” or “is it solved”.
But I assume your comment should be read as: “If you follow that … instructions, it will be solved”.
If e.g. an Apache Commons library will be used in different versions in different addons all of them will be part of the index. So it can increase the time the resolver needs to resolve the demo application.
Using the compile scope will also eliminate the differentiation between API and implementation as you use at runtime (potentially) what you compile against. So, it will not work reliable for pure API dependencies. But also for them it would be possible (in general) to add one dependency using scope provided (API) and another one using scope runtime (implementation). Bnd will handle that correctly. I don’t know if the Eclipse m2e mechanism can differ correctly between all that scopes.
The workaround resolves the endless build for @gozilla01 and me.
I’ll then do some testing to see if there are any major issues when the dependency scope of all the add-on dependencies is changed to compile. Currently it cannot resolve any add-on dependencies. IIRC with PDE it also had a habit of adding too many dependencies.
I don’t see any in the screenshot?
Without seeing actual errors/warnings/stacktraces I’m afraid nobody can help you with that.
I could not get the binding and then drag it.
No type of error, simply with was listed.
Then with the mvn -DskipChecks -DskipTests clean install -U command I succeeded.
I don’t know what changes from the mvn and Build Automatically command from Eclipse IDE
It’s not really clear to me how bnd resolves dependencies and when it considers something optional. That important piece of information is also missing from the documentation. It also has all voice add-ons and some bindings in the list of optional bundles but not all bindings? So usually I don’t select any optional dependencies. I only had to select the optional rxtx bundles while debugging a binding depending on serial communications.
It was probably missing from the add-on BOM or that BOM wasn’t build yet. A reproduction scenario would help for further investigating it.