[SOLVED] Problem with Showing Door/Windows State in Sitemap

Hi, i am Using Openhab since 2 weeks and i am excited about the possibilites.

I actually have a problem. I use the innogy binding for openhab (Works great with other devices !!!) -
When create an item for a door/window like “Contact HWRSchliesskontaktFenster “Hauswirtschaftsraum - Fenster” (EG_Hauswirtschaftsraum,Sicherheit,Schliesskontakt) { channel=“innogysmarthome:WDS:*************:contact” }” it is shown in the paperui sitemap only with the label and an icon - the state is missing - in the paper ui i can see the state but not in the basic ui. what did i do wrong?.. tryed different types etc. but noting works…

The item of the site map should be:

Text item=HWRSchliesskontaktFenster

In your item label parameter your need to add [%s] to display the state on the item as a string

Contact HWRSchliesskontaktFenster “Hauswirtschaftsraum - Fenster [%s]” (EG_Hauswirtschaftsraum,Sicherheit,Schliesskontakt) { channel=“innogysmarthome:WDS:*************:contact” }

That should work

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Thank you very much - that works :wink: